CGDD: Board Game

Boba Battle to the Death

Boba Battle to the Death begins with each player randomly choosing their order, which consists of tea flavor, topping, sugar level, and ice level. After creating their order and remembering it, they put the cards back and reshuffle to start the game. The goal of the game is to be the first person to complete their order correctly before everyone else. In order to do so, the players have to move around the board and challenge other players to get an item they want if that player has it. Another way to complete their order, is to either take/return/swap an item you have in your hand with an item in the inventory. For example, if you have oolong tea you can swap with the deck. Ice level and sugar level have to be collected one by one or removed one by one to complete your order. 

Rules Explanation Video

Gameplay Timelapse

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