CGDD: 2D Game Progress 2

For this week’s progress, we wanted to focus on completing the level design and implementing all the challenges, which are the four monsters, into the game. Last week all we had was a demo of the first challenge the character would encounter. 


The spritesheet for the character includes more animations, such as jump, and different types of damage. For instance, one of the monsters can poison Reg, therefore, we decided to distinguish that by making him turn green after being poisoned. Each monster also has its completed spritesheet with their attack animation and damage animation. 

For the map/level design, we decided to combine the four layers into one long image and use that as the background. Each layer image is a screenshot of the anime and was photoshopped to look longer and bigger in order for it to be more like a map. The layers were first photoshopped separately, then later combined into one file and the gaps were merged using generative fill in Photoshop. After uploading the new background, more platforms were then added in Unity using a 2D game art kit. The platforms allow for more challenges to appear and for the character to have more movement.

Our group ran into some technical difficulties regarding project collaboration. Two of us were unable to pull the updated project from Github, therefore could not help with the coding side of the project. So for now, the game mechanics include attack, walk, and jump. After we figure out how to all work on the same project, each of us will take part in coding.

Progress 2 Video: Demo

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