Innovation Lab: Challenge 1 Part 1

3 Non Problems

Moving my phone without physical contact

Sometimes while I’m rotting in bed, I like to prop up my phone on a pillow, blanket, or even the wall so I can watch a movie or show without using my hands. This makes it convenient for me to just enjoy what I’m watching in a comfortable position without my arm or hand going numb from holding the phone. However, just propping up the phone does not always work out. If I shift my body, the phone falls and I have to use my hands to reposition it. Or sometimes I want to turn my body over, but that means I have to hold my phone since there is no wall for the pillow to lean on and, therefore no place to prop up the phone.

Choosing an outfit

Every morning I have to pick out an outfit for the day, whether it’s just a normal day or there’s an event I have to attend. But sometimes I forget about all the different clothes I have, so I end up rewearing a lot of the same outfits. There are times where I have a specific shirt in mind, but when I look for it, I realize I left it at home, which is a 16 hour flight away. This makes me think of Barbie and her dreamhouse closet where every piece of clothing she owns is technologically categorized, allowing her to easily mix and match her clothes to make new outfits through a tablet. While I could just waste my time digging through my closet every morning, it would be more efficient and convenient if I could see all my clothes on a screen and make outfits through it.

Waking up

I’m a chronic sleeper and napper and I’m often told that I sleep like I’m dead. There was a time period for 2 years where I had 10 alarms (5 minutes apart) set on full volume and I still never woke up to any of them. Sometimes I had to be physically woken up, but even then it was just a slight tap or shake, which did not have enough impact to wake me up completely. I also have a problem with snoozing my alarms, and although I was still sleeping, I was subconsciously clicking the power button of my iPhone, which set off an emergency call to 911. Since noise and slight movements obviously don’t work, I think that a better way to wake me up would be something drastic to physically move me.


Unnecessary Invention

My favorite unnecessary invention is Matty Benedetto’s Chris Coffee Carrier. Even though I am not Chris Oslen who he specifically designed it for, nor am I filming a coffee delivery all the time, I’m always drinking coffee and on my phone. However, it becomes difficult to hold a coffee in one hand, phone in the other, while I’m trying to do other things such as opening a door, holding bags, etc. This coffee carrier would allow me to have a phone and coffee in one hand, without straining my fingers, and let me use the other hand for everything else.

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