linkedIn live poster

int amount = 500; int [] a= new int[amount]; int [] b= new int[amount]; int [] d= new int[amount]; int t; void setup(){   size(1024, 768,P3D);   background(0);   noFill();   stroke(255); t = 5;  point();// must write here and write void point below   } void draw(){   background(0);   pushMatrix();   translate(width/2,height/2+500);   rotateY(frameCount/1000.0);// translate rate     for(int i = 0; i<amount; i++){//for… Read more linkedIn live poster

Final Project

SURVIVE THE PLASTIC-ELAINE & TRACY- ANDY GARCIA CONCEPT AND DESIGN Our concept is to get people’s attention to marine plastic pollution. According to Seachange, worldwide, we produce ~400 million tons of plastic per year. Roughly 10 million tons end up in the sea. That’s a dump truck full of plastic added to the ocean every… Read more Final Project

Exercise1  void setup() {  Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() {  int sensor1 = analogRead(A0);  int sensor2 = analogRead(A1);  Serial.print(sensor1);  Serial.print(“,”);  // put comma between sensor values  Serial.print(sensor2);  Serial.println(); // add linefeed after sending the last sensor value  delay(100); } Exercise2 import processing.serial.*; PImage photo; int NUM_OF_VALUES_FROM_ARDUINO = 2; /** YOU MUST CHANGE THIS ACCORDING TO YOUR… Read more

recitation 10

Exercise1  void setup() {  Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() {  int sensor1 = analogRead(A0);  int sensor2 = analogRead(A1);  Serial.print(sensor1);  Serial.print(“,”);  // put comma between sensor values  Serial.print(sensor2);  Serial.println(); // add linefeed after sending the last sensor value  delay(100); } Exercise2 In this part I think the hard part is how to use the envelop. finally, I… Read more recitation 10

Final project

I wanna make the transparency changed by the size of the plastic I first use a remap but it didn’t work very well. So I used a if statement.   for ( int i=0; i < u.length-nPlastic; i++) {     if( pSize[i]<4){       trans[i] = random(100,155);


A PROJECT TITLE  Plastic fish   B PROJECT STATEMENT OF PURPOSE We start this idea from the sea environment issue. Marine pollution is indeed a truly global problem. Oil spills, ship emissions, mico-plastics. All poison vast stretches of water. 10 million tonnes of litter are dumped in the sea every year. Microplastics threaten to unhinge whole… Read more Essay


Ecercise1 this is easy I just chose 3 songs I like and add them and sketch to one folder.   import processing.sound.*; // declare three SoundFile objects SoundFile kick; SoundFile snare; SoundFile hihat; void setup() {   size(640, 480);   // create the objects and load sounds into them   kick = new SoundFile(this, “crashbreak2rideout.wav”);   snare = new SoundFile(this, “plunkysynthloop.wav”);   hihat = new SoundFile(this, “kickcrash.wav”); } void draw() {   background(0); }… Read more recitation9

class notes

A sound bubble I like very much  import processing.sound.*; int amount = 50; //Amount of bubbles float[] x = new float[amount]; float[] y = new float[amount]; float[] size = new float[amount]; float[] speed = new float[amount]; SinOsc[] sine = new SinOsc[amount]; Env[] env = new Env[amount]; float[] freq = new float[amount]; void setup() {   size(360, 640);   //Assigning random values for x,y,… Read more class notes