linkedIn live poster

int amount = 500;
int []  a= new int[amount];
int []  b= new int[amount];
int []  d= new int[amount];

int t;

void setup(){
  size(1024, 768,P3D);
t = 5;
 point();// must write here and write void point below 

void draw(){
  rotateY(frameCount/1000.0);// translate rate 
  for(int i = 0; i<amount; i++){//for loop, when i is smaller than amount i plus one in one time
    point(a[i],b[i],d[i]);// position x,y,z
 strokeWeight(random(1,3));// bian kuang cu xi, this is the bian kuang of point, which means the size of star. 

   speedS = 5;

void point (){
  for (int i = 0; i<amount; i++){
    a[i] = int(random(-800,800));
    b[i] = int(random(-800,300));
    d[i] = int(random(-800,800));


Add a gradient background

int amount = 1000;
int [] a = new int[amount];
int [] b = new int[amount];
int [] d = new int[amount];
void setup(){

void draw(){
  for (int j = 0; j<amount; j++){
  color from = color(0);
  color to = color(#150D6C);
  for (int i = 0; i<height;i++){
    float amt = map(i,0,height,0,1);
    color c = lerpColor(from, to, amt);

void point(){
  for (int j = 0; j<amount;j++){
    a[j] = int(random(-800,800));
    b[j] = int(random(-800,300));
    d[j] = int(random(-800,800));


改动一个地方(比如说之改动背景颜色怎么不让这个改动到别的地方 比如同时改动了球的颜色)

解决办法:for loop弄混了 如果不同的array变量要用不同的字母(i,j…) 分别写一个for loop并且括号分开 不为包含关系

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