Midterm project proposal

Do-Re-Mi Our group’s idea is to use a distance sensor to make a kind of instrument that is controlled by distance.  You stand at different distances and the sensor will sense and make different tones. This instrument can interact with a few people simultaneously as they stand at different distances.

Recitation 4: Drawing Machines

Step 1: Build the circuit void setup() {  pinMode(9, OUTPUT);  //pin 9 to the base of TIP122 } void loop() {  //turn transistor ON         digitalWrite(9, HIGH);  delay(1000);  //turn transistor OFF                                     digitalWrite(9, LOW);  delay(100); }     Step 2: Control rotation with a potentiometer /* * MotorKnob * * A stepper motor follows the… Read more Recitation 4: Drawing Machines

Group Project

First, write about the idea your group focused on that fulfills the assigned criteria. Explain precisely how what your group invented derives from, responds to or relates, in some significant manner, to the established form of interaction you identified in your research of the two projects in the RESEARCH phase of the project. Provide idea sketches for your design… Read more Group Project


The first is Force Sensitive Resistor. We used the wave to better show the froce.   Then we usedthe LED as output. To see the change clearly, we delaied the rate.         Vibration Senso     Question 1: What did you intend to assemble in the recitation exercise? If your sensor/actuator combination were… Read more Recitation3