Talk about the sounds you have used for the project and the reasons for the choice. Describe the recording techniques you have used and explain your choices. Did you encounter any problems? Tell us how you dealt with them.
I used tick of clock, some distorted sound, birdsong, phone ringtone, and knock door sound. The sound distorted is from G-series high speed train, elevator, knocking glass sound. Because I have some fantastic sound to show, so I record those continuous sound that can keep one tone for a while.
The first problem is that I can’t use those sound I record to manipulate the sound needed. Even I can manipulate them there are some time limits. For the sound clips which didn’t last for enough time, I just copied them.
And the second question, which I think is the most tricky problem, is panning. I have change panning to the point where I thought was the most right but I can only hear the voice from left. I copied the clip and paste it at the same position but used right channel.
Explain your editing process. Describe challenges you faced, and solutions you found or compromises you decided to make. What are the learnings you are taking away?
There are three main parts——tick of clock, nightmare, wake up. For the transition from part 1 to part 2, I use fade in. And in part 2, I use reverberation(convolution and total), distort, FFT, noise reduction.
I learned there are many ways to get one target. Although the original sound is not very satisfied, you can edit it to make it sounds like what you want.