Chenxuan Wu
gender equality
The two paired images show the before and the after the wokeness of gender equality. The original picture shows the stereotype of women And for the second picture, it’s the awake time of women who stand up and call the shots.
For the image1, the pomegranate symbolizes women, womb and fertility, which means in the eyes of many, women are just a fertility tool. And the jujube has the meaning “may you have a baby soon” in Chinese. The beans and the fruits of pomegranate mean breeding. And the picture is looked warm in general, which shows the warmth given by women to others. And the pomegranate isn’t central cause the women’s sate is inferior and some women even don’t have basic civil rights.
For the image 2, I draw a sign of women rights and take a picture of it, which can make my concept easy to notice. And this time, a woman’s image is in the middle which means the women’s voice can be heard and women aren’t other. I take a picture of the painting by Joan Miro called woman and add it into this image. The red woman raise the axe to revolt. The telephone means women have right to speech. The red eye means the gender equality still have a long to to go and the revolution needs sacrifice.