In Our Own Imge

What does Ritchin mean with the “fluidity of the digital”? Give an example of digital imaging/digital photography that exemplifies this. The “fluidity of the digital”means the structure and shape of images can be changed by the electronic pixels, and recognize simulating the earlier appearance of objectivity like traditional photograph and things like that. Meanwhile, it… Read more In Our Own Imge

Pioneer Plaque

What I want to show to the alien is photography. In the middle of the picture, there are two persons taking pictures. One is posing, and the other is back to us, holding a camera toward the posing person. We can see the screen of the camera in front of us. And there is a… Read more Pioneer Plaque

Story of Your Life

1.How do aliens in the story language and communication style different from the human language (oral, pictographic, phonetic, etc.)? For each action, they had displayed a single logogram instead of two separate one.(not only were the individual logograms melted together again, it looked as if the one for “heptapod” was laid on its back, while… Read more Story of Your Life