For this project, Jamie and I co-created this Tron Matrix that consists of a set of controllable flying discs and a space-like environment. This project was inspired by the movie Tron: Legacy. In the movie, the element disc can not…
WP2WS – W04 – Case Study
The inspirational project that I want to discuss is called Notional Field created by Annica Cuppetelli and Cristobal Mendoza. “Notional Field is an interactive installation that consists of a wall-mounted sculpture containing hundreds of vertical and parallel lines made of elastic…
WP2WS – W03 – Bouncing Ball
This week, we learned how to develop sketches in 3D with three.js library. Since this is my first time developing a 3D sketch, I decided to build a simple one first in order to consolidate my skills. Basically, my idea…
WP2WS – W02 – Galaxy and Shooting Stars
For this week’s assignment, we were asked to develop generative visuals using OOP, Vector and Forces concept. So I choose to follow the idea that I had for last week’s assignment and simulate the visuals and concept of the galaxy.…