Shoveler’s Waimai Company – Shelia Xie- Salina Ngo

CONCEPTION AND DESIGN: Our project is an extension of the midterm project “Fluffy the Shoveler”. In this project, we transformed the storyline where Fluffy now acts as a delivery man. Its objective is to deliver takeaway items, represented by differently colored and fluffy balls in the delivery cart, to the correct households in the “Go … Continue reading Shoveler’s Waimai Company – Shelia Xie- Salina Ngo

Fluffy the Shoveler_Shelia Xie_ Gottfried Haider

  CONTEXT AND SIGNIFICANCE Significance and Improvements The previous warm-up project “Dragon-Ear Headband” inspired me of the midterm project a lot. Our project utilized two distinct sensors: a servo and a light sensor. Among these, the servo played an important role. Upon learning about how to apply the servo, I was curious about its potential … Continue reading Fluffy the Shoveler_Shelia Xie_ Gottfried Haider

Visual Metaphor_Shelia

Project Video: In our Visual Metaphor, the core concept is the 「圓」” circle”. Since “圓” itself is a very intuitive and obvious visual symbol, I decided to directly demonstrate the extensibility of this concept in Chinese culture by photographing circles in different Chinese cultural scenes. Therefore, I chose different round items: Temple water tanks, … Continue reading Visual Metaphor_Shelia

Visual Metaphor Proposal_Shelia & Emily

Visual Metaphor Proposal   Project Title: 「圆」                  Team Members: Shelia, Emily III.  Concept | Storyline:         1). What is the piece (article, poem, story) for the narrative voice over?  Or who are you going to interview?            The script for narration will be written according to the theme that we intend to convey.        2). What’s the … Continue reading Visual Metaphor Proposal_Shelia & Emily

Assignment: Reverse Storyboard_卧虎藏龙_Shelia

  storyboard_Shelia Video Link: 3:17-4:52 P1_哔哩哔哩_bilibili, 14 June 2017,   Continue reading Assignment: Reverse Storyboard_卧虎藏龙_Shelia

Report on “Five Obstructions (2004)” by Jorgen Leth & Lars von Trier_Shelia

Precise rules for each obstruction Obstruction 1: 12 frames The perfect man answers Cuba No set Obstruction 2: A miserable place Don’t show it Jordan Leth is the man The meal Obstruction 3: Complete freedom or back to Bombay Obstruction 4: Cartoon Obstruction 5: Lars Von Trier will make the last obstruction Jorgen Leth will … Continue reading Report on “Five Obstructions (2004)” by Jorgen Leth & Lars von Trier_Shelia

Reading Report on “The Uncertainty of Documentarism” by Hito Steyerl_Shelia

In this blog, Steyerl discusses the transformation of documentary images in the digital age. She argues that there was a time when people believed that what they saw in documentaries was a clear and accurate reflection of reality. However, she believes that the“unbroken belief” of the documentary form has been challenged. “The uncertainty that documentary … Continue reading Reading Report on “The Uncertainty of Documentarism” by Hito Steyerl_Shelia