Cyber Boxing-Sean Hu-Eric Parren


The concept of this project is to build a somatosensory fighting game that integrates all operation systems into a pair of gloves. The inspiration comes from the handles of the VR game set and the WII game set from Nintendo. Both are mature examples of somatosensory games. However, my initial proposal was to build an operating system that required real action from players (i.e.players do really punching for a fighting game) rather than simply pushing buttons on their controller.  My idea was to create an operating system that focused on the movement of the user’s hand and only used buttons and slides as auxiliary means. During user testing, I found the gloves’ sliders are hard to access. Also, the UI part lacks instructions, which makes it hard to understand how to play with it. (photo taken during user testing)

Thus, I made some adjustments to the positions of the buttons to make this project more user-friendly. Also, I polished the UI.

(The final version of the UI)

Those suggestions are pretty helpful for my project since they come from users’ first impressions, which offered me a new version of the project, like UI design.


To build this project, I chose two pairs of gloves from Mechanix. The core to detecting the user’s hand movement is using acceleration sensors. Thus, I prepared two kinds of acceleration sensors: ADXL335 and ADXL345.

Due to the limited amount of pins on the Arduino(though it’s a Mega2560), I used two different brands of acceleration sensors for each player. The acceleration sensor is attached to the glove with tape.                                 

According to the design, this is the only sensor on the right hand. Players could do punches and block defense by punching and blocking. However, due to the difference between different acceleration sensors, the blocking function only works for ADLX345. Therefore, I add a button on one of the player’s operating system for him to do block action.

The operating system on the right hand mainly consists of a slider to control the moving action and a button for a kick. Like many games, kicks have a limitation and would cost the skill points in the game. Soon after I finished the first pair of gloves, the Arduino controller easily fell off the table. Considering this, I designed a box to set the Arduino and breadboard and used laser cutting to make it. For the second pair of gloves, the only difference is an extra button on the right hand for blocking. Moreover, I chose to solder the wires and resisters with a longer one to get more space (this is the final outlook of this project)

For the UI part, I chose to draw everything in the processing. The first version of the UI only consists of grey in character and red in health present.


an example of the early draft of the UI

However, after the user testing, I did some polishment on the UI to make it more user-friendly

and here’s a video taken for the final version of the project


And here’s the code from Arduino:

#include “ADXL335.h”
ADXL335 accelerometer;
#include <Wire.h>         //调用Arduino自带库
#define Register_ID 0     //器件ID 十六进制为0x00  十进制为0
#define Register_2D 0x2D  //省电特性控制
#define Register_X0 0x32  //X轴数据0
#define Register_X1 0x33  //X轴数据1
#define Register_Y0 0x34  //Y轴数据0
#define Register_Y1 0x35  //Y轴数据1
#define Register_Z0 0x36  //Z轴数据0
#define Register_Z1 0x37  //Z轴数据1
int ADXAddress = 0xA7 >> 1;  // 转换为7位从地址
int reading = 0;
int val = 0;
int X0, X1, X_out;
int Y0, Y1, Y_out;
int Z1, Z0, Z_out;
double Xg, Yg, Zg;
void setup() {
  pinMode(2, INPUT);
  pinMode(3, INPUT);
  pinMode(4, INPUT);
  Wire.begin();        //初始化I2C
  Serial.begin(115200);  //初始化串口
  // enable to measute g data
  Wire.beginTransmission(ADXAddress);  //开启发送
  Wire.write(Register_2D);             //写入ADXL345寄存器映射地址
  Wire.write(8);                       //测量使能
  Wire.endTransmission();              // 停止发送
void loop() {
  int d1 = digitalRead(2);
  int d2 = digitalRead(3);
  int d3 = digitalRead(4);
  int p1 = analogRead(A8);
  int p2 = analogRead(A9);
  Wire.beginTransmission(ADXAddress);  // 开启发送
  Wire.write(Register_X0);             //写入ADXL345寄存器映射地址
  Wire.write(Register_X1);             //写入ADXL345寄存器映射地址
  Wire.endTransmission();              //结束发送
  Wire.requestFrom(ADXAddress, 2);     //请求 ADXL345 二个字节
  if (Wire.available() <= 2)           //获取<=2个数据
    X0 =;
    X1 =;
    X1 = X1 << 8;
    X_out = X0 + X1;
  Wire.beginTransmission(ADXAddress);  // 开启发送
  Wire.write(Register_Y0);             //写入ADXL345寄存器映射地址
  Wire.write(Register_Y1);             //写入ADXL345寄存器映射地址
  Wire.endTransmission();              //结束发送
  Wire.requestFrom(ADXAddress, 2);     //请求ADXL345二个字节
  if (Wire.available() <= 2)           //获取<=2个数据
    Y0 =;
    Y1 =;
    Y1 = Y1 << 8;
    Y_out = Y0 + Y1;
  Wire.beginTransmission(ADXAddress);  // 开启发送
  Wire.write(Register_Z0);             //写入ADXL345寄存器映射地址
  Wire.write(Register_Z1);             //写入ADXL345寄存器映射地址
  Wire.endTransmission();              //结束发送
  Wire.requestFrom(ADXAddress, 2);     //请求ADXL345二个字节
  if (Wire.available() <= 2)           //获取<=2个数据
    Z0 =;
    Z1 =;
    Z1 = Z1 << 8;
    Z_out = Z0 + Z1;
  float x;
  float y;
  float z;
  accelerometer.getAcceleration(&x, &y, &z);
  Xg = X_out;
  Yg = Y_out;
  Zg = Z_out;
And here’s the code from Processing:
import processing.serial.*;
PImage photo;
Serial serialPort;
float edge1= 200.0;
float p1=100;
float p2=924;
/* This array stores values from Arduino */
float arduino_values[] = new float[NUM_OF_VALUES_FROM_ARDUINO];
boolean x1=false;
boolean y1=false;
boolean z1=false;
int fist1=0;
int leg1=0;
int fist2=0;
int leg2=0;
float hp1=100.0;
float hp2=100.0;
float mp1=100.0;
float mp2=100.0;
void setup() {
  size(1024, 650);
  photo = loadImage("B1.jpg");
  // put the name of the serial port your Arduino is connected
  // to in the line below - this should be the same as you're
  // using in the "Port" menu in the Arduino IDE
  serialPort = new Serial(this, "COM3", 115200);

int time1 = 0;
int Ptime1=0;
int time2 = 0;
int Ptime2=0;
void draw() {
  text("Player1: right hand forward:punch,right hand upward:block, red button: kick,slider: movement", 48, 180, -120);
  int Pleg1=leg1;
  int Pleg2=leg2;
  int Pfist1=fist1;
  int Pfist2=fist2;
  if (map(arduino_values[3], 0, 350, 0, 700)+100<924-map(arduino_values[9], 0, 350, 0, 700)-100) {
    p1=map(arduino_values[3], 0, 350, 0, 700)+100;
    p2=924-map(arduino_values[9], 0, 350, 0, 700)-100;
  image(photo, 0, 0);
  float px=arduino_values[0];
  float py=arduino_values[1];
  float pz=arduino_values[2];
  float px2=arduino_values[5];
  float py2=arduino_values[6];
  float pz2=arduino_values[7];
  //receive the values from Arduino
  float x=arduino_values[0];
  float y=arduino_values[1];
  float z=arduino_values[2];
  float x2=arduino_values[5];
  float y2=arduino_values[6];
  float z2=arduino_values[7];
  if (abs(x-px)>edge1) {
  } else x1=false;
  if (abs(y-py)>edge1) {
  } else y1=false;
  if (abs(z-pz)>edge1) {
  } else z1=false;
  if (arduino_values[4]==1&&mp1>0) {
    if (Pleg1==0)
  } else leg1=0;
  if (arduino_values[10]==1&&mp2>0) {
    if (Pleg2==0)
  } else leg2=0;
  if (z-pz>250  &&x-px<edge1&&mp1>0) {
  } else {
    if (time1-Ptime1>100)
  if (x-px>edge1) {
  } else {
    if (time1-Ptime1>100)
  if (arduino_values[8]==1&&mp2>0)
  } else {
    if ((px2-x2)>1.5) {
    } else
      if (time2-Ptime2>100)
  if (abs(p1-p2)<150)
    if (fist1==1 && fist2!=2&&Pfist1!=1)
    if (fist2==1&&fist1!=2&&Pfist2!=1)
    if (leg1==1&&Pleg1!=1)
    if (leg2==1&&Pleg2!=1)
  if (hp1>0&&hp2>0) {
    rect(0, 0, 50, 50);
    rect(974, 0, 50, 50);
    fill(255, 0, 0);
    rect(50, 10, hp1*2, 30);
    rect(974-hp2*2, 10, hp2*2, 30);
    fill(0, 0, 255);
    rect(50, 40, mp1*2, 10);
    rect(974-mp2*2, 40, mp2*2, 10);
    //text("Player1: right hand forward:punch,right hand upward:block, red button: kick,slider: movement", 48, 200);
    //text("Player2: right hand forward:punch,right hand button:block, left button: kick,slider: movement", 48, 250);
  if (hp1<=0&&hp2>0)
    fill(0, 408, 612, 816);
    text("Player2 Win", 48, 180, -120);
  if (hp2<=0&&hp1>0)
    fill(0, 408, 612, 816);
    text("Player1 Win", 48, 180, -120);
void drawBody1() {
  stroke(255, 0, 0);
  circle(p1, 300, 50);
  rect(p1-5, 325, 10, 100);
  if (leg1==0) {
    line(p1-3, 425, p1-23, 525);
    line(p1+3, 425, p1+23, 525);
  if (leg1==1) {
    line(p1+3, 425, p1+10, 475);
    line(p1+10, 475, p1+3, 525);
    line(p1, 425, p1+45, 415);
    line(p1+45, 415, p1+90, 425);
void drawPlayer1() {
  if (fist1==0) {
    stroke(255, 0, 0);
    line(p1, 335, p1-20, 400);
    line(p1-20, 400, p1+15, 375);
    line(p1, 335, p1+30, 365);
    line(p1+30, 365, p1+32.5, 320);
  if (fist1==1) {
    stroke(255, 0, 0);
    line(p1, 335, p1-20, 400);
    line(p1-20, 400, p1+15, 375);
    line(p1, 335, p1+100, 335);
  if (fist1==2)
    line(p1, 335, p1+30, 365);
    line(p1+30, 365, p1+32.5, 320);
    line(p1, 335, p1+25, 375);
    line(p1+25, 375, p1+27.5, 335);
void drawPlayer2() {
  if (fist2==0) {
    stroke(0, 0, 255);
    line(p2, 335, p2+20, 400);
    line(p2+20, 400, p2-15, 375);
    line(p2, 335, p2-30, 365);
    line(p2-30, 365, p2-32.5, 320);
  if (fist2==1) {
    stroke(0, 0, 255);
    line(p2, 335, p2+20, 400);
    line(p2+20, 400, p2-15, 375);
    line(p2, 335, p2-100, 335);
  if (fist2==2)
    line(p2, 335, p2-30, 365);
    line(p2-30, 365, p2-32.5, 320);
    line(p2, 335, p2-25, 375);
    line(p2-25, 375, p2-27.5, 335);
void drawBody2() {
  stroke(0, 0, 255);
  circle(p2, 300, 50);
  rect(p2-5, 325, 10, 100);
  if (leg2==0) {
    line(p2-3, 425, p2-23, 525);
    line(p2+3, 425, p2+23, 525);
  if (leg2==1) {
    line(p2-3, 425, p2-10, 475);
    line(p2-10, 475, p2-3, 525);
    line(p2, 425, p2-45, 415);
    line(p2-45, 415, p2-90, 425);

// the helper function below receives the values from Arduino
// in the "arduino_values" array from a connected Arduino
// running the "serial_AtoP_arduino" sketch
// (You won't need to change this code.)

void getSerialData() {
  while (serialPort.available() > 0) {
    String in = serialPort.readStringUntil( 10 );  // 10 = '\n'  Linefeed in ASCII
    if (in != null) {
      print("From Arduino: " + in);
      String[] serialInArray = split(trim(in), ",");
      if (serialInArray.length == NUM_OF_VALUES_FROM_ARDUINO) {
        for (int i=0; i<serialInArray.length; i++) {
          arduino_values[i] = float(serialInArray[i]);
      } else {
        println("Serial comm error");

Also, here’s the background picture of my project from Version China(视觉中国—正版高清图片、视频、音乐、字体下载—商业图片下载网站 (
The goal of this project was to explore a new way of interaction for fighting games. Eventually, this project developed into a combination of a Gamepad and Nintendo Wii controller.  However, the primary operation for this game(punching) is still conducted by users” Real punching and buttons here are no longer the leading interaction players have with the game. Most players have shown their strong interest in this project during the user testing and IMA show. If I had more time to polish this, I would pay more attention to the UI design and game logic. Also, I would try to replace the buttons with different gestures. The most valuable lesson I learned from this project is that one should have a clear understanding of how difficult a task could be and where’s the edge of ability. I choose to do the final solo for more flexible working hours. However, I misjudged the labor this project required and got torched by that. A clear understanding could be pretty significant for a well-organized project schedule.


the video for the laser cutting process:

The video of how the left-hand part looks like after putting on the gloves: