A. Concept
The memory that I want to pick as the subject for my Memory Soundscape project is the memory of walking down a city street in the winter (or even during Christmas season). Some aspects of the memory that I aimed to convey to my audience is the elements of a city and strong winter weather. I knew I wanted to include elements of walking outside and elements of Christmas in my soundscape.
B. Process
- The sounds I used for my soundscape were walking with heels both indoors and outdoors, sounds of background noise both indoor and outdoors, car noises, and the sound of a sink being turned on and off. I recorded all those sounds by themselves. I had initially wanted to include sounds of snow crunching and the jingle of bells, but I was unable to find and record those sounds. I compromised by using the song “All I Want for Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey to emulate the feeling of Christmas, before I knew that I couldn’t use a song.
- My editing process was pretty smooth, since all I had to do was combine the sounds into one coherent track to listen to. However, one challenge I had was the my cuts were too harsh. I tried fixing this by having my sounds fade in and out to signify a change in atmosphere. Another one of my sounds was too short for what I needed it to be, so I had to duplicate the recording I had to make it longer. I found that my background sounds were a little too loud for my liking, so I had to lower their volumes.
C. Conclusion
If I had more time, I would have wanted to look for sounds that could replicate the sound of feet stepping in snow, and record the sound outside during a windy day so I can have the feeling of being windy and cold. I could also have looked for a set of bells that the school probably has and used it to further emulate the feeling of Christmas without having to explicitly use a song.
A feedback I received was that I was not allowed to use a song, which I could have replaced with other sounds that also convey the Christmas feeling,
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