In Our Own Image by Fred Ritchin

Ritchin refers to the “fluidity of the digital” as the changing state and manipulation of digital media. The emergence of platforms such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop makes it easier to achieve this goal. An example of digital imaging that exemplifies is the altering of food in media to look more appealing or appetizing. Retouching images of food pushes the idea of perfection, towards physical features of people and even the food we eat 

Photography can capture reality as it is in the moment. Since photography allows viewers to see what was occurring in the moment, there is little room for interpretation. Even with different lighting and perspectives, photos are easy to discern. Other forms of media can stimulate different ideas that force the viewer to interpret what is being shown or even read. With books, the reader has to imagine what characters and places look like as well as what situations the characters are being put in. Virtual reality can not only capture reality, but create an intense and nearly accurate representation of an alternate world. Referring to the “fluidity of the digital”, photography is more rigid in comparison to other forms of digital media. However, photography can capture the “natural” essence of reality. Virtual reality and even books are easily able to be altered.

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