Story of Your Life by Ted Chiang – Notes

  1. “But the only way to learn an unknown language is to interact with a native speaker, and by that I mean asking questions, holding a conversation, that sort of thing” (Chiang 3). –  Concept can be applied to humans as well as aliens
  1. Physical body of the aliens – “It looked like a barrel suspended at the intersection of seven limbs. It was radially symmetric, and any of its limbs could serve as an arm or a leg. The one in front of me was walking around on four legs, three non-adjacent arms curled up at its sides” (Chiang 5).
  2. Lidless eyes; eyes focusing in all directions (prioritizing sight)
  1. Communication through sound – Fluttering 
  1. Alien sentences –  Syntax was any semagrams the heptapod wanted to join together
  1. Fermat’s Principle – Every physical law could be stated as a variational principle
  2. The aliens experience the past, present, and future at once
  1. Immersing yourself in a different language and culture – “I would have liked to experience more of the heptapods’ world-view, to feel the way they feel. Then, perhaps I could immerse myself fully in the necessity of events, as they must, instead of merely wading in its surf for the rest of my life. But that will never come to pass” (Chiang 38). 
  1. Transcending time – Fermat’s Principle
  2. Louise’s sense of direction and time becomes altered
  3. Influenced by the aliens

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