Recitation 6: Animating an Interactive Poster

Recitation shape:   code: void setup() {   size(1024, 768); } void draw() {     println(mouseX, mouseY);   background(#9D0B0B);      fill(#DEA52B);   circle(59, 214, 40);   circle(240, 214, 40);   fill(#FCF0D6);   ellipse(150, 200, 160, 180); //face   fill(0);   arc(150, 185, 180, 180, PI, PI+PI, CHORD); //bangs   fill(255); // eyeframe   arc(150, 260, 170, 170, radians(220), radians(320), OPEN);   arc(150, 150, 170, 170, radians(40), … Continue reading Recitation 6: Animating an Interactive Poster

Wreck-it Ralph!

Wreck-it Ralph! – Ruiqi Liu – Gottfried  Conceptual sketch   Project Explanation (;g=0/sign=560e0bea8001a18bf0eb1549a6146035/9825bc315c6034a883053547cc13495408237615.jpg) I guess the most difficult part would be building four buildings as the “mole”, and making them popping up and goes down, and I am not sure if the sensor could detect the hammer precisely every time the user hit the popped … Continue reading Wreck-it Ralph!