Link to my project:
For this creative code drawing class, I made a makeup game.
Basically, it is like a virtual makeup painting game, users can select the color, the opacity, and the stroke weight of their brush using the keyboard. And they can reset the whole canvas by clicking the button. (the instruction is shown below)
To accomplish this project, I have explored some new code from the reference website. I worked extra time on adjusting the
A problem is that I wanted to show the instruction while a certain key is pressed and disappear when it is released. I asked Marcele and tried to do it with createGraphics. However, it did not work. So I decided to put the instructions permanently at the bottom of the canvas.
Besides, I realize when changing the RGB values, it changed so fast that the number will be squeezed together and the user can hardly see the value. And I didn’t find a way to solve it.
It is hard to draw something with my touchpad, it is simply a new try, and my sample drawing does not look very good. Hope anyone could draw some pretty image with my drawing device!