Photo Diptych Documentation


Rin Wu

Fantasy & Reality

B.  Concept
Through my project, I want to express the “broken dream” and contrast between dream-like childhood and disappointing adulthood after we grow up, expressing our powerlessness towards this process, and my strong hope to take a rest from the current busy life and experience the happiness of childhood again.

My inspiration comes from this picture, which is from a Norway photographer Torbjorn Rodland.

I was attracted by the intriguing concept of a smashed and broken piggy bank, triggering my imagination of the story behind. The two pictures relate to each other in three ways:

  1. Structure:
  2. Color:
  3. Style:

C.  Process
(1) Describe your process in staging and photographing part I.
(2) Describe your digital process in creating part II image.
Describe and assess the most significant steps you have taken, problems you encountered, solutions you found and compromises you
ended up making. Include images of different iterations if you have any.

D.  Conclusion
How would you improve your project if you had more time?

E.  Image of Diptych
Please post an image of your diptych and a contact sheet.

Attach below is my contact sheet.

Here is my first version.

Here is my final version. (Yes I redid the project within the two weeks because I don’t really satisfied with the first version)

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