Recitation 8
For this recitation, I created a web page to introduce my p5 project, Optimus prime. What I mainly have done is include a heading and a description for the project. For the heading, I viewed Google font, trying to find something cool and provide a sense of science fiction, and I found “Rubik Pixels” it looks like a combination of pixels providing a perfect feeling. I used the <span> code to change the color of Optimus Prime to make it more characteristic and beautiful.
For description part, I used black background and white words to emphasize them, I also included a link to change the color of Optimus Prime, which is actually a link to the page itself and it’s purpose is to refresh the page, I changed the color of the link to make it more natural in the text
I also changed the background color.
During the whole process, I didn’t encounter some really big problems, when forming the font and the color of the link, I do need to refer to previous slides and demo codes to better understand how to do those.
Here’s the screenshot.
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