Final Project: Research

The first interactive project that serves as inspiration for my final project is Kahoot! .Kahoot is an interactive quiz system that enables players to learn and answer attentively. It stimulates players by playing music which goes faster and faster as time runs out and make players focus on its platform by stopping for a few seconds between the emergence of questions and several selections. I think it is successful and inspiring because it employs bonus system and interactive music to help users focus and become extremely engaged. It will inform my work that providing a proper atmosphere for users can make users more interested with my artifact.

The second interactive project that seems to be helpful for me is an app that demonstrates interactive animation version of Van Gogh’s Starry Night. This video is quite fascinating, and shows me a better method for museums to attract visitors and apply better visiting experience by making static objects dynamic for more interaction. This is also in lines with Edmonds’s theory to make a static object dynamic-interactive. (Edmonds 3) 

I think a successful interactive experience should include both human users and devices (the devices should be able to create its original outcome, not just passing one user’s input to another).(Edmonds 16) It also should give different responces, if different inputs are given. Successful interactive experience should encourage audience to go over the experience over and over, to create a long-term engagement.(Edmonds 1) The goal of an interactive project is to be self-explainable and to make the audience enjoy and be envolved with it by providing effective feedback to the audience.


Edmonds, E. (2011). Art, Interaction and Engagement. 2011 15th International Conference on Information Visualisation, Information Visualisation (IV), 2011 15th International Conference On, 451–456.

pvrellis. (2013, June 21). Starry Night (interactive animation) for iOS and Android [Video]. YouTube.

Kahoot! (2018, September 27). What is Kahoot!? [Video]. YouTube.

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