Midterm Project Proposal

A. Puppy Bank – Phoebe (Yongxin) Li -Rodolfo Cossovich

B. Conceptual sketch

C. Proposal explanation

We want to make a puppy bank. It is interesting and can be used in our daily life. Basically, it is a little similar to the classic piggy bank, which people can use to store their coins. What is different is that it can interact with the person using it. When that person wants to deposit some coins, he or she can press a button and there will be a hole opened on the puppy’s back ( for aesthetic consideration it is closed at other times), where people can throw coins in. Then, the puppy will go rounds and/or wig its tails, which means it is very happy. When the person wants to withdraw his or her money, the intention will be “caught” with the help of a sensor (maybe an ultrasonic sensor), the puppy will open its mouth to allow the person to fetch the coins, however, at the same time, it will shake its hand and make the sound like a sob.

My partner and I brainstormed and talked about our ideas together. But we were inspired by a video that uses Arduino to make a smart bin (and its URL will be pasted at the end of the proposal). We thought we can also make something with a similar open-and-close process.

video: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1TU4y1K78h?spm_id_from=333.337.search-card.all.click

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