Visual Metaphor Proposal

Visual Metaphor Proposal


  1.   Project Title
  2. Team Members: Phoebe Li, Crystal Wen, Tracy Wu

III.  Concept | Storyline:

  1. Our narrative voiceover will be an excerpt from the chapter Cities & Eyes 4 from the book Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino.
  2. The story is about your arrival in an invisible city called Phyllis. You are amazed, but over time, you lose interest and the city becomes nearly invisible to you.
  3. From the story, we are going to focus on the last section of the chapter, which describes the desperation and aimlessness of an empty life.
  4. We are going to pursue ____ style/aesthetics
  1. Execution Plan: 
  1. When shooting the movie, we will use equipment including a cell phone, a DSLR camera, a sound recorder, and a stabilizer.
  2. We will shoot at various locations. 
    1. We will use lively scenes at many times of day in locations like a busy street, a party, a restaurant, Puxi Nanjing West Road, the Bund, etc. to show an actor being unamused by situations that should be very stimulating. 
      1. We will shoot at the same locations at times that are more deserted and not busy, while our actor stays constant, to show the transition.
    2. We will use everyday daytime scenes in locations like an office, a study room, etc. to show an actor being worn down by repetitive obligations.
    3. We will use very blank scenes at a purposefully unknown time of day in locations like a bed, in front of a window, staring at a wall, etc. to show the desperation and meaninglessness.
  3. We might prepare for some challenges we might encounter, such as using photoshop or similar streets if we can’t get an empty street,  or we have prepare a wonderful intention but we can’t express it properly.
  4. We will collaborate and divide work as specified in the Gantt chart below.
  1.   Storyboard Draft
  1. Gantt Chart*
Task Owner Start Date Due Date Duration PCT of Task Complete
Record preliminary voice over Crystal 11/20 11/20 5 minutes 100%
Rough overall storyboard – cohesive story and sequence, which lines = which locations, what’s happening in general Tracy 11/21 11/22 before class for proposal 1 day 100%
Make shooting categories – 3 days, which locations, what to shoot, WHEN, WHO’S GOING, etc. Tracy 11/22 (Mon) 11/22 (Mon) before the class is over   100%
Storyboard for shooting day 1 parts of the video (angles and lights), + feedback & help from groupmates Tracy 11/22 (Mon) after class 11/23 (Tues) midnight   100%
Filming day 1 Tracy 11/24 (Wed) morning 11/30 (Tues) midnight   100%
Storyboard for shooting day 2 parts of the video (angles and lights), + feedback & help from groupmates Phoebe 11/22 (Mon) after class 11/23 (Tues) midnight   100%
Filming day 2 Phoebe 11/24 (Wed) morning 11/30 (Tues) midnight   100%
Storyboard for shooting day 3 parts of the video (angles and lights), + feedback & help from groupmates Crystal 11/22 (Mon) after class 11/23 (Tues) midnight   100%
Filming day 3 Crystal 11/24 (Wed) morning 11/30 (Tues) midnight   100%
Video edit draft 1 – see what parts of the voiceover to change timing of Crystal 12/1 (Wed) morning 12/4(Sat) midnight   100%
Final Voice Over Recording Crystal 12/5 (Sun) morning 12/5(Sun)midnight   100%
Complete audio editing/timing (voiceover + bgm) Phoebe 12/6 (Mon) morning 12/6 (Mon) midnight   100%
Video edit final Phoebe 12/7 (Tues) morning 12/8 (Wed) before class   100%


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