The “Story of Your Life” by Ted Chiang is narrated by the linguist, Dr. Louise Banks, who is hired to help decode communication with the alien species called “heptapods”. These aliens have a peculiar written language that is different from typical human communication. While learning how to decode the heptapod’s language, she has flashbacks of her life in a non-cohesive order. The story simultaneously switches between her past and future, challenging her knowledge of time and determinism. This story touches upon concepts of perception of science and language.
Linguists learn that the heptapods use pictorial characters to communicate, drastically different from human communication, making it difficult for humans to understand. Heptapod B’, is semasiographic, meaning they utilize symbols or logograms representing entire words or concepts. This language is not connected to vocal sounds, unlike the human language.
In contrast to the heptapods, humans use the vocal cords that allow them to produce different sounds, creating the foundation of phonetic and oral languages. This creates the sequential form of human language causing humans to speak and write in a sequential order.
In conclusion, the “Story of Your Life” by Ted Chiang highlights the difference in languages between humans and heptapods and how humans had to erase their concept of communication to comprehend the heptapod’s language.
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