My definition of Interaction:
When there is an exchange of actions, such as listening, thinking, and speaking, between participants. During this encounter, they will react to one another and then act based on their reactions.
– Eternal Blue
– visualizes tens of thousands of malicious packets caught by a university’s firewall
– there is an exchange between the computerization aspect and the external malicious packets coming in but the visualization can not be changed via a user acting on it from the outside. its lack of reaction makes me feel as if it doesn’t align with my definition of interaction
– to me it’s not interactive it’s just a physical, visual, display
– this project aligns with my definition of interaction
– there is interaction occurring between the robot and the rocks
– the rocks are of different types, shapes, and sizes
– the robot reacts to these differences and physically acts on them and moves them based on their differences.
-there is an exchange of actions occurring here
-the rocks are physically different which visually notifies the robot which ones are similar and which are not
-the robot will then react to this action and physically move the rocks accordingly
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