Final Project Preparatory Research and Analysis
By Xiaoyi Cai (Mia) Date: 4/12/2021
I. Interactive Projects
After reading Art, Interaction and Engagement by Ernest Edmonds, I got one impressive idea. It tells me that both the artist and the audience should shape together and create the artifact in the interactive projects. In my opinion, this idea will definitely be one of the most important factors when I think about my final project.
(1) Infinity Interactive Wall & Interactive Floor Entel!en
Description: This artifact can reflect the image with a special effect both on the wall and on the ground. With different movements made by the audience, there will be different reflections on the wall.
There are many reasons why I choose this artifact:
① If I were the audience, I will definitely be attracted by this project, and have a huge willingness to have a try with it, because it’s so cool with both the idea and the visual effect.
② As an interactive project, I think it has done a great job! It really matched the notion of “Dynamic-Interactive” mentioned by Edmonds. In other words, “human” in this project plays an active role in changing the art object. Furthermore, the audience can not only get his/her feelings from this project but can also act as a part of this project to bring different people to other people.
③ This project inspired me about the way of interaction. In addition, the special effect of this project is so interesting that I may try it in my final work.
(2) Connectome – Interactive Installation!en
Description: “Connectome is an embodies experience taking place in between your conscious and unconscious decisions. Neuroscientific research into the connectome aims at mapping all neural connections in our brain.
Scientists suspect that what makes you you, finds its source in the connections between your neurons. Which means that our essence as human beings is situated in ever-changing connections, leaving our ‘being’ in constant flux. The installation has an interactive form, using new technology that connects the audience and the installation. With their physical presence has the audience an option to influence the objects, the soundscape and the visual qualities of the space order to create their own experience.” (cited from the website)
There are also many reasons why I choose this artifact:
① This project provides the audience with a very immersing environment, which makes the audience get a unique experience different from the traditional exhibition. The form of this project is really appealing to me.
② In my opinion, this interactive project did a great success on the way of interaction. It also has two features similar to the project above, which I admire a lot. In addition, I think it will provide a better feeling for the audience than the previous project because it added a mysterious sound effect to this project, which is really brilliant.
③ The form of this project really attracts me, therefore I might consider this kind of way to work on our final project if it is possible. By the way, I think I should learn from the visual and sound effects of this project because, for me, they really catch my eye.
II. What contributes to a successful interactive experience?
First of all, according to the previous documentation, I defined “interaction” as the process of “delivering, understanding, and responding”, which are definitely the key factors of a successful interactive experience. Furthermore, “an interactive art project should have different responses when interacting with different people”. After experiencing my midterm project, I still insist on this idea. However, I got some new inspiration. It is necessary for us to make the project clear enough for the audience to try, which can have a better interaction between the audience and the project.
After reading Art, Interaction and Engagement by Ernest Edmonds, I got the further idea of interaction. Just like what I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, I totally agree with Edmonds’s idea that not only the artist but also the audience should be considered as an important factor of the artifact.