Diptych Concept Assignment

I hope that my Diptych conveys the social pressure around the idea of “weight” amongst the Chinese population, especially women. Compared to my peers in the United States, I’ve realized that my Chinese friends are very obsessed over the number on the scale on a daily basis. Though it is good to control one’s weight to a healthy number based on the individual’s height, Chinese people prefer to be underweight to satisfy the society’s beauty standards. This often results in  individuals skipping meals, but it can worsen to eating disorders like anorexia. Below are comparison pictures of what is considered “beauty” in the United States versus China. 

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For the left of my project, I plan to take a picture of a girl holding a cake on a scale. This idea might not be pursued in my final work since I believe that there is a more impactful way I can take this picture to convey my message. 

On the right of my project, I plan to take pictures of some food, a number on the scale, a body measuring tape around a fork, food that will make you skinny, cut outs of business marketing revolved around weight and more. I plan to cut and combine these pictures with the concept of surrealism. I will also play around with the colors by lowering the saturation level. The link here (https://pin.it/3I7II7i) is my inspiration board for reference.


I hope the combination of the left side and the right side can convey that Chinese girls are constantly thinking of their weight whenever they eat.

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