Generative Art Motion

Generative Art Motion (Link)

Brief Description and Concept:  For Week 3 Creative Coding class, our following exercise is to develop a generative animation; meanwhile, exploring various types of motions with variables and math functions. Our final sketch should include us utilizing multiple motion types, incorporating randomness to have a different result each time it is run, and having it give a sense of pattern.

Demo/Visual Documentation:


Coding: (Link)

Reflection/Lessons Learned Questions:

  • List math functions that you utilized in your animation. Please share your experience while using them. What functions did you find useful? What made you confused and struggle?
  • What kind of motion have you explored? What was the process like while combining them?
  • How did you adjust sin() values using map() function? Describe the effectiveness.
  • How can circular (angular) movement be generated using sine and cosine?


For this animation, I utilized the linear function and sin and cosine functions. From the above, I mostly used the sinusoidal equation to create a rhythmic pattern. The resulting visualization was waves of squares moving from left to right or circles moving around a moving centroid. The only difficulty I had was adjusting the size of the second visualization since the circles’ movement patterns sometimes were too big.

The motion I primarily explored was having an object bouncing inside the canvas while making a pattern. At first, I focused on playing around with different object motions using the sinusoidal function. Then, I programmed the object to keep moving in a direction while maintaining its pattern. 

The sinusoidal function involves the relationship between the angle and the endpoint coordinate location. The result of the sinusoidal function gives the direction of an object. As the coding function loops, the coordinates changes accordingly, generating a circular (angular) movement. Additionally, with the help of the map() function, I can adjust the range of patterns in size, length, and color.

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