Lesley Manokore

Music Mask- Lesley Manokore- Rudi

The concept for my the project is to visualize music and create interaction through performance. My inspiration came from the Dj Deadmaus who wears a masked disguise. The reason inspired me is because instead of doing a regular light display, I would like to make something wearable that the user can actually put on. My Continue reading Music Mask- Lesley Manokore- Rudi

Recitation 10

In todays recitation the goal was for me to use Arduino and Processing together through the serial record. The task was to use a physical controller to affect the image or video through Processing. I used a button that controlls the filter of a video. When it is pressed the filter turns red.

Recitation 7: Neopixel Music Visualization

This is after running the first neopixel program that I ran. When the mouse is pressed it draws a line of cubes with randomized colors, this changes every time the mouse is pressed. This was a more complicated program whereby the code reacts to sound of the input song and as a result a circle Continue reading Recitation 7: Neopixel Music Visualization

Final project Analysyis

This is my first project choice: https://www.behance.net/gallery/151167441/Cycle-Audiovisual-Performance?tracking_source=search_projects%7Cinteractive+media Cycle “Real-time graphics react to music in this audiovisual performance. Created in collaboration with an ambient musician Pablo Bojko, it awed the audience at the Moscow Music School Festival 2022. Mesmerizing abstract shapes and perfectly executed music synchronization helped the artist to deliver his vision to life.”   Continue reading Final project Analysyis

Individual Project Report

PRESSURE PLAYER-LESLEY MANOKORE- RUDI COSSOVICH Context and Significance Since the beginning of the semester, the goal has been to understand the meaning of interaction. My journey of understanding this concept started from the reading titled The Art of Interactive Design by Crawford. The specific quote was, “We tend to think of interactivity as a Boolean Continue reading Individual Project Report