Unfortunately my laptop would not allow me to screenshot or screen record but I was able to record with my phone.
PFont f; void setup() { // large canvas size(1024, 768); smooth(); noSmooth(); fill(126); f = createFont("Arial", 16, true); } void draw() { background(random (255), random (255), random(255)); float r = random(255); float g = random(255); float b = random(255); background(r, g, b); stroke(255, 155); strokeWeight(2); if (mousePressed) { stroke(255); } else { stroke(0); } line(mouseX-66, mouseY, mouseX+66, mouseY); line(mouseX, mouseY-66, mouseX, mouseY+66); for (int y = -50; y <= height; y += 40) { for (int x = -50; x <= width; x += 55) { fill(255, 120); triangle(x, y, x-30, y+90, x+30, y+90); } }
This geometric background randomly switches colors, It also changes the stoke color to white when the mouse is pressed. I am trying to demonstrate in the video.
size(1024, 768, P3D); background(#39FF14); lights(); textSize(50); String s = "IMA Fall 22 ShOw!"; fill(#EE4B2B); text(s, 20, 70, 700, 700); // Text wraps within text box noStroke(); pushMatrix(); translate(130, height/2, 0); rotateY(1.25); rotateX(-0.4); box(100); popMatrix(); fill(0); stroke(255); pushMatrix(); translate(700, height*0.35, 200); sphere(280); popMatrix();