This is the interactive poster I did for this week’s recitation project:
Below are my code: float r; float g; float b; float xposition=width/3; float xposition2=width/3; float yposition=height/3; float yposition2=height/3; void setup(){ size (800,800); background(255); } void draw(){ textSize(40); textAlign(CENTER); text("IMA SPRING 22 END-OF-SEMESTER",width/2,height/3 +50); textSize(30); textAlign(CENTER); text("Time:6pm to 8pm", width/2,height/2 +50); textSize(30); textAlign(CENTER); text("Day:Friday May 13th", width/2,height/2 +100); xposition=xposition+1; rect(xposition, height/2,100,100); fill (r,g,b); r=random(0,255); g=random(0,255); b=random(0,255); rect(width/2, yposition2,100,100); yposition2=yposition2+1; fill (r,g,b); r=random(0,255); g=random(0,255); b=random(0,255); rect(width/3, yposition,100,100); yposition=yposition+1; fill (r,g,b); r=random(0,255); g=random(0,255); b=random(0,255); rect(xposition2, height/3,100,100); xposition2=xposition2+1; fill (r,g,b); r=random(0,255); g=random(0,255); b=random(0,255); ellipse(mouseX,mouseY,50,50); fill(r,g,b); }
For this week, I took a long time to review the knowledge we learned about Processing. One thing is that I need to check several times to make sure the project meets my original idea. Because I’m not that familiar with coding, I need to take a long time to fix some small problems with my code. But the final result made me really glad.