Idea One

A. Digital Ping Pong

B. Our first idea was to make a game that emulates the sport table tennis or ping pong. This game is divided into two parts. The first part which is based on Processing, will have a ball that can move randomly on the screen. Then in the middle of the screen it is separated by a line (which will be like the net on a ping pong table). In the second part, we want to make a movable ping pong paddle made with Arduino. When the ball touches the edge, the paddle moves to the position of the ball to trigger the ball to rebound. If the paddle doesn’t catch the ball then it will go off the edge and the other team scores a point. As the game progresses, the ball moves faster and faster. This is a game that you can play at home during quarantine.


Idea Two

A. Falling Pacman

B. For this project idea we were inspired by the game of Pacman (mainly the character itself and how it swallows the dots). We were thinking about having a big Pacman eating small Pacmans but making it a game for two. There will be one big one on each side of the screen and they will move horizontally to eat the falling/bouncing/moving small Pacmans. Whoever eats the most wins. As for how each player will make the big Pacman eat we will use an ultrasonic ranger and use the distance to represent moving left or right. This project is purely entertainment and will be a fun game for whenever someone is bored. It can even be a game for one to try and reach the highest number of eats.


Idea Three

A. Picture & Jeopardy Game

B. In this third idea we have a whole concept of a game with multiple parts to it (will require multiple players). First you will need to play a game of guessing the picture (on processing we will have a hidden picture and black sections on it to cover the majority of it, when you press a button on the arduino you will reveal a section of the picture). Whoever guesses the picture right will be able to move onto the next part of the game. On a separate laptop and processing and arduino there will be a game of jeopardy. There will be two buttons (yes or no) and leds on the arduino and then on processing we have a black screen with boxes/grid pattern that when we choose a box there will be a question inside and we will see who gets the question first (by playing a game of pressing the button the fastest or reaching a certain number of presses). The players will need to guess a new picture for each question. The person with the most points will win. With this whole experience you can host game nights at home at any time.


Idea Four

A. Stress Puncher

B. For our last idea we thought of making something that would help you de-stress. We will have gloves that will include pressure sensors and when you punch towards the screen you will see bruises that appear on the processing screen due to the pressure used in the process. If you feel like you need to let go of feelings or letting it out, this is a great way to express it and you might even get some exercise in as well!


Recitation 7

Step 1

float x = 20;
float y = 30;
float stepX = 48;
float stepY = 20;

void setup() {
  size(800, 800);

void draw() {
for(int i=0;i<width;i+=150){
    for (int j=0;j<height;j+=60){
      drawFish(i, j, 4, color(150,183,181));

void drawFish(float u, float v, float s, color c) {
  triangle(u, v, u+20, v+10, u+20, v-10);
  triangle(u+20, v+10, u+20, v-10, u+80, v);
  triangle(u+80, v, u+90, v+6, u+90, v-6);
  circle(u+13, v-3, s); 
  circle(u-6, v, s*1.4); 
  circle(u-6, v-10, s*1.8); 
  circle(u-6, v-26, s*2.2); 




Step 2

Below is my code for recitation 7.

int count = 10;
float x[] = new float [count];
float y[] = new float [count];
int size [] = new int [count];
float r[] = new float [count];
float g[] = new float [count];
float b[] = new float [count];
color heartColor[] = new color[count];    
float xspeed[] = new float [count];
float yspeed[] = new float [count];
float k;
float f;
float z;
void setup () {
  size(800, 800);
  background(255, 255, 255);

void draw () {
   for ( int i=0; i < x.length; i++) {
    // set value for position x and y
    x[i] = random (100, width-100);
    y[i] = random (100, height-100);
    // set value for size
    size[i] = round(random( 50, 100));
    r[i] = random(0,255);
    g[i] = random(0,255);
    b[i] = random(0,255);
    heartColor[i] = color(r[i], g[i], b[i]);
    xspeed[i] = random ( 3);
    yspeed[i] = random ( 3);
  k= random (0,255);
f= random (0,255);
z= random (0,255);
  background (k,f,z);
  fill(100, 150, 100);
  for ( int i=0; i < x.length; i++) {
    Heart(x[i], y[i], size[i], heartColor[i]);

void move() {

  for ( int i=0; i < x.length; i++) {
    x[i] += xspeed[i] ;
    y[i]  += yspeed[i] ;

void bounce() {

  for ( int i=0; i < x.length; i++) {
    if ( x[i] <= 0 + size[i]/2 || x[i]>= width - size[i]/2 ) {
      xspeed[i] = -xspeed[i];

    if ( y[i] <= 0+ size[i]/2 || y[i]>= height - size[i]/2 ) {
      yspeed[i] = -yspeed[i];

void Heart(float _x, float _y, int _size, color _heartColor){
  curveVertex(_x+50, _y+200);
  curveVertex(_x+50, _y+90);
  curveVertex(_x+10, _y+50);
  curveVertex(_x+25, _y+25);
  curveVertex(_x+50, _y+33);
  curveVertex(_x+50, _y+100);
  curveVertex(_x+50, _y+100);
  curveVertex(_x+50, _y+33);
  curveVertex(_x+75, _y+25);
  curveVertex(_x+90, _y+50);
  curveVertex(_x+50, _y+90);
  curveVertex(_x+50, _y+200);

Step 2

Q1: In the reading “Art, Interaction and Engagement” by Ernest Edmonds, he identifies four situations in an interactive artwork: ‘Static’, ‘Dynamic-Passive’, ‘Dynamic-Interactive’ and ‘Dynamic-Interactive(Varying)’. From the exercise, you did today which situations do you identify in every part you executed? Explain.
I think that my work, it’s between “Dynamic-passive” and “Dynamic interactive.” “The internal mechanism is specified by the artist and any changes that take place are entirely predictable”(3). My code does not meet this premise that its color and moving direction are not predictable. I use the Random model to change the color of the heart and set the background color as random in the loop to make a shiny result. But for the next level “Dynamic interactive,” the premise of “the human ‘viewer’ has an active role in influencing the changes in the art object.” For my project, the viewer can’t make the change in the art object, after starting the program, it will play automatically.


Q2: What is the benefit of using arrays? How might you use arrays in a potential project?

“Arrays can be created to hold any type of data, and each element can be individually assigned and read.” The data for Arrays set up first is flexible, all the elements can be declared by myself. And also in the following code, I can just use the number that I store in the first instead of repeating writing it, to make my code more precise. In my potential project, I might store user data in arrays to make my poster more vivid。


  • I find two projects on Google, first one is called ”click canvas,” which is a project that contains several buttons with random colors. When creating this product, the creators hope to add music and art elements to the product at the same time, so they use Arduino to make buttons with different colors. When interacting with the product, the audience can change the color of the button for multiple clicks, and then the first click of other buttons will follow the color of the previous click. At the same time, the stereo will play different sounds according to different colors, and the audience can enjoy the music they create while painting.


  •   And another one is called “SBC”. This work is a combination of Processing and Arduino. This work allows the audience to draw on the touch screen. After painting, the symbols will swim freely on the screen. This inspired me that I can combine Processing and Arduino to make a similar competitive game so that my products can move freely on the screen. At the same time, make a paddle based on Arduino that can interact with the “stuff” on the screen.


  • For me, I made a definition of interaction in my first blog that interaction is feedback. Now I want to add that interaction is the feedback plus input, Because since my first project the “main brain”, I noticed that only the output can’t complete the whole process of “interaction.” We need to transmit the emotion ball as the “ input” and also get the output which is the feedback from our main brain. “Interactive art systems involve artifacts and audiences equally. The artist sets up situations that develop in ways that are, at least in part, determined by the audience.”(16) Just like our midterm project “the lonely love,” different audience received different melody from the project. The audience’s different behavior becomes the variate of our project, which also completes the system of our interactive arts.

Work CiteArt

Interaction and Engagement, Ernest Edmonds,2011

A simple interactive project with processing on SBC. Arduino Project Hub. (n.d.). Retrieved April 14, 2022, from


RECITATION 6: Leander’s Report

This is the interactive poster I did for this week’s recitation project:

Below are my code:
float r;
float g;
float b;
float xposition=width/3;
float xposition2=width/3;
float yposition=height/3;
float yposition2=height/3;

void setup(){
  size (800,800); 
void draw(){
  text("IMA SPRING 22 END-OF-SEMESTER",width/2,height/3 +50);
text("Time:6pm to 8pm", width/2,height/2 +50);
text("Day:Friday May 13th", width/2,height/2 +100);
  rect(xposition, height/2,100,100);

  fill (r,g,b);
   rect(width/2, yposition2,100,100);
  fill (r,g,b);
   rect(width/3, yposition,100,100);
  fill (r,g,b);
   rect(xposition2, height/3,100,100);
  fill (r,g,b);
  fill(r,g,b);  }

For this week, I took a long time to review the knowledge we learned about Processing. One thing is that I need to check several times to make sure the project meets my original idea. Because I’m not that familiar with coding, I need to take a long time to fix some small problems with my code. But the final result made me really glad.

Midterm individual reflection


A. Project Title – The Lonely Love 
    Group Members  – Leander&Vivan
    Instructor – Andy

B.The Context and Significance.

In today’s high-stress environment when people are faced with different social situations, they’re used to pretending and repressing their felling in order to seem less lonely and fit in with the group and environment around them. Especially in megacities like Shanghai and New York, people shuttle in different boxes every day, their souls are constantly repressed and not released. People have been used to ignoring their inner feelings, switching masks in front of different people. The data of our pre-design study found that the rate of depression in China is as high as 4.98%, while in Shanghai it is as high as 10.27%.

Conception and Design

Therefore, in order to expose this aspect of social problems, we came up with the idea of making such an art piece that expresses people’s inner loneliness through the form of music. The product is made up of two parts, gloves and clothes. They represent the difference between the emotions people express and real emotions. They express their emotions through different kinds of music. The idea is that when performers wear gloves, the gloves represent their facial expressions, and how they behave in front of different social groups. And their true feelings are hidden. They express their true feelings only when the person closest to them gives them a hug.

Fabrication and Production

When the performer wearing a glove and shakes hands with someone, the pressure sensor in the right-hand picks up the pressure and passes the signal to the buzzer in the glove which is set off, and music is played. The left-hand glove has a button that can choose to control different music to represent their different mood. But when the audience hugs the performer, the pressure sensors in the heart on the clothes trigger and a buzzer plays sad music to express his inside true feelings. The difference between the sound of the glove and the sound of the heart means that the emotions people express are not the same as the real emotions they feel inside. Our hearts were cut out of cardboard and then glued together with a glue gun and colored with pigment. My partner Vivan and I split our responsibilities. She was responsible for writing coding to meet our product requirements, and I was responsible for constructing circuits and making products manually. In this process, the biggest problem is that the community has started lockdown and because my partner and I are in different places we can only communicate online. Moreover, many of the materials we need cannot be received in time. Therefore, we try our best to make use of the surrounding waste materials to make our products.


I think the result of our final product presentation is not bad, the whole is in line with our idea. The only problem is that the heart can’t switch between styles of music like a glove. But we can certainly solve this problem if we have more time and materials. At the end of the day, we hope to use our project to appeal to more people to pay attention to their inside, release themselves more rather than wrong themselves, and make their lives better.



#include "pitches.h"

//LED for heart 
int led=13;
int press1=A1;
int press2=A2;
int buzzer1=3;
int buzzer2=6;
int vibrate=2; 
int brightness=0;
int fadeAmount = 5; 
int button=9;
int lastcount;
int tempo = 76;
int tempo2 = 200;
int tempo3 = 80;
//#define vibOutPin 2;

unsigned long lastDebounceTime = 0;  // the last time the output pin was toggled
unsigned long debounceDelay = 800;    // the debounce time; increase if the output flickers
int buttonState;             // the current reading from the input pin
int lastButtonState = LOW;   // the previous reading from the input pin

//press the button how many times
int count=0;
bool firstClick=false;
bool secondClick=false;

// notes in the melody:
int melody[] = {

  // Wiegenlied (Brahms' Lullaby)
  // Score available at

  NOTE_G4, 4, NOTE_G4, 4, //1
  NOTE_AS4, -4, NOTE_G4, 8, NOTE_G4, 4,
  NOTE_AS4, 4, REST, 4, NOTE_G4, 8, NOTE_AS4, 8,
  NOTE_DS5, 4, NOTE_D5, -4, NOTE_C5, 8,
  NOTE_C5, 4, NOTE_AS4, 4, NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_G4, 8,
  NOTE_GS4, 4, NOTE_F4, 4, NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_G4, 8,
  NOTE_GS4, 4, REST, 4, NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_GS4, 8,
  NOTE_D5, 8, NOTE_C5, 8, NOTE_AS4, 4, NOTE_D5, 4,

  NOTE_DS5, 4, REST, 4, NOTE_DS4, 8, NOTE_DS4, 8, //8
  NOTE_DS5, 2, NOTE_C5, 8, NOTE_GS4, 8,
  NOTE_AS4, 2, NOTE_G4, 8, NOTE_DS4, 8,
  NOTE_GS4, 4, NOTE_AS4, 4, NOTE_C5, 4,
  NOTE_AS4, 2, NOTE_DS4, 8, NOTE_DS4, 8,
  NOTE_DS5, 2, NOTE_C5, 8, NOTE_GS4, 8,
  NOTE_AS4, 2, NOTE_G4, 8, NOTE_DS4, 8,
  NOTE_AS4, 4, NOTE_G4, 4, NOTE_DS4, 4,
  NOTE_DS4, 2


int melody2[] = {

  // Minuet in G - Petzold
  // Score available at
  NOTE_D5,4, NOTE_G4,8, NOTE_A4,8, NOTE_B4,8, NOTE_C5,8, //1
  NOTE_D5,4, NOTE_G4,4, NOTE_G4,4,
  NOTE_E5,4, NOTE_C5,8, NOTE_D5,8, NOTE_E5,8, NOTE_FS5,8,
  NOTE_G5,4, NOTE_G4,4, NOTE_G4,4,
  NOTE_C5,4, NOTE_D5,8, NOTE_C5,8, NOTE_B4,8, NOTE_A4,8,
  NOTE_B4,4, NOTE_C5,8, NOTE_B4,8, NOTE_A4,8, NOTE_G4,8,//6
  NOTE_FS4,4, NOTE_G4,8, NOTE_A4,8, NOTE_B4,8, NOTE_G4,8,
  NOTE_D5,4, NOTE_G4,8, NOTE_A4,8, NOTE_B4,8, NOTE_C5,8, 
  NOTE_D5,4, NOTE_G4,4, NOTE_G4,4,
  NOTE_E5,4, NOTE_C5,8, NOTE_D5,8, NOTE_E5,8, NOTE_FS5,8,
  NOTE_G5,4, NOTE_G4,4, NOTE_G4,4,
  NOTE_C5,4, NOTE_D5,8, NOTE_C5,8, NOTE_B4,8, NOTE_A4,8, //12
  NOTE_B4,4, NOTE_C5,8, NOTE_B4,8, NOTE_A4,8, NOTE_G4,8,
  NOTE_A4,4, NOTE_B4,8, NOTE_A4,8, NOTE_G4,8, NOTE_FS4,8,


int melody3[] = {

  // The Godfather theme
  // Score available at

  REST, 4, REST, 8, REST, 8, REST, 8, NOTE_E4, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_C5, 8, //1
  NOTE_B4, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_C5, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_B4, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_G4, 8,
  NOTE_E4, 2, NOTE_E4, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_C5, 8,
  NOTE_B4, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_C5, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_C5, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_E4, 8, NOTE_DS4, 8,
  NOTE_D4, 2, NOTE_D4, 8, NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_GS4, 8, //5
  NOTE_B4, 2, NOTE_D4, 8, NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_GS4, 8,
  NOTE_A4, 2, NOTE_C4, 8, NOTE_C4, 8, NOTE_G4, 8, 
  NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_E4, 8, NOTE_G4, 8, NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_E4, 8, NOTE_E4, 8, NOTE_GS4, 8,

  NOTE_A4, 2, REST,8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_GS4, 8, //9
  NOTE_G4, 2, NOTE_B4, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_F4, 8, 
  NOTE_E4, 2, NOTE_E4, 8, NOTE_G4, 8, NOTE_E4, 8,
  NOTE_D4, 2, NOTE_D4, 8, NOTE_D4, 8, NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_DS4, 8, 
  NOTE_E4, 2, REST, 8, NOTE_E4, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_C5, 8, //13

  //repeats from 2
  NOTE_B4, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_C5, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_B4, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_G4, 8, //2
  NOTE_E4, 2, NOTE_E4, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_C5, 8,
  NOTE_B4, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_C5, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_C5, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_E4, 8, NOTE_DS4, 8,
  NOTE_D4, 2, NOTE_D4, 8, NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_GS4, 8, //5
  NOTE_B4, 2, NOTE_D4, 8, NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_GS4, 8,
  NOTE_A4, 2, NOTE_C4, 8, NOTE_C4, 8, NOTE_G4, 8, 
  NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_E4, 8, NOTE_G4, 8, NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_E4, 8, NOTE_E4, 8, NOTE_GS4, 8,

  NOTE_A4, 2, REST,8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_GS4, 8, //9
  NOTE_G4, 2, NOTE_B4, 8, NOTE_A4, 8, NOTE_F4, 8, 
  NOTE_E4, 2, NOTE_E4, 8, NOTE_G4, 8, NOTE_E4, 8,
  NOTE_D4, 2, NOTE_D4, 8, NOTE_D4, 8, NOTE_F4, 8, NOTE_DS4, 8, 
  NOTE_E4, 2 //13

int notes = sizeof(melody) / sizeof(melody[0]) / 2;
int notes2 = sizeof(melody2) / sizeof(melody2[0]) / 2;
int notes3 = sizeof(melody3) / sizeof(melody3[0]) / 2;

// this calculates the duration of a whole note in ms
int wholenote = (60000 * 4) / tempo;
int wholenote2 = (60000 * 4) / tempo2;
int wholenote3 = (60000 * 4) / tempo3;

int divider = 0, noteDuration = 0;
int divider2 = 0, noteDuration2 = 0;
int divider3 = 0, noteDuration3 = 0;

void setup() {
   pinMode(led, OUTPUT);

void loop(){ 
//pressure sensor for heart
int pressRead2=analogRead(press2);

//  LED for heart
//  analogWrite(led, brightness);
// brightness = brightness + fadeAmount;
//  // reverse the direction of the fading at the ends of the fade:
//  if (brightness <= 0 || brightness >= 255) {
//    fadeAmount = -fadeAmount;
//  }
//  // wait for 30 milliseconds to see the dimming effect

//the vibration motor
//  brightness=255;
  for (int i =0;i<5;i++){
  digitalWrite(vibrate, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(vibrate, LOW);

//for buzzer

for (int thisNote = 0; thisNote < notes * 2; thisNote = thisNote + 2) {

    // calculates the duration of each note
    divider = melody[thisNote + 1];
    if (divider > 0) {
      // regular note, just proceed
      noteDuration = (wholenote) / divider;
    } else if (divider < 0) {
      // dotted notes are represented with negative durations!!
      noteDuration = (wholenote) / abs(divider);
      noteDuration *= 1.5; // increases the duration in half for dotted notes

    // we only play the note for 90% of the duration, leaving 10% as a pause
    tone(buzzer2, melody[thisNote], noteDuration * 0.9);

    // Wait for the specief duration before playing the next note.

    // stop the waveform generation before the next note.

//  button&sensor for gloves
int pressRead=analogRead(press1);
int buttonRead=digitalRead(button);
 if (buttonRead==HIGH) {
    first_click = true;
    lastDebounceTime = millis();
  } else if (millis() - endTime < interval) {

////  debounce & button for gloves to produce sounds
//  Serial.print(pressRead);
//  Serial.print("   ");
//  Serial.println(buttonRead);
//if(millis() - lastDebounceTime <= debounceDelay){ 
//if (buttonRead==HIGH){
// if( firstClick==false&&secondClick==false){
//  firstClick=true;
//    Serial.println("haha");
//    Serial.println(firstClick);
//}else if (firstClick==true&&secondClick==false){
// secondClick=true;
// Serial.println("why wrong");
//if(millis() - lastDebounceTime > debounceDelay){ 
//if (firstClick==true&&secondClick==false){
//  for (int thisNote2 = 0; thisNote2 < notes2 * 2; thisNote2 = thisNote2 + 2) {
//    // calculates the duration of each note
//    divider2 = melody2[thisNote2 + 1];
//    if (divider2 > 0) {
//      // regular note, just proceed
//      noteDuration2 = (wholenote2) / divider2;
//    } else if (divider2 < 0) {
//      // dotted notes2 are represented with negative durations!!
//      noteDuration2 = (wholenote2) / abs(divider2);
//      noteDuration2 *= 1.5; // increases the duration in half for dotted notes2
//    }
//    // we only play the note for 90% of the duration, leaving 10% as a pause
//    tone(buzzer1, melody2[thisNote2], noteDuration2 * 0.9);
//    // Wait for the specief duration before playing the next note.
//    delay(noteDuration2);
//    // stop the waveform generation before the next note.
//    noTone(buzzer1);
//  }
//     lastDebounceTime = millis();
//     firstClick=false;
//     }
// else if  (firstClick==true&&secondClick==true) {
//  for (int thisNote3 = 0; thisNote3 < notes3 * 2; thisNote3 = thisNote3 + 2) {
//    // calculates the duration of each note
//    divider3 = melody3[thisNote3 + 1];
//    if (divider3 > 0) {
//      // regular note, just proceed
//      noteDuration3 = (wholenote3) / divider3;
//    } else if (divider3 < 0) {
//      // dotted notes3 are represented with negative durations!!
//      noteDuration3 = (wholenote3) / abs(divider3);
//      noteDuration3 *= 1.5; // increases the duration in half for dotted notes3
//    }
//    // we only play the note for 90% of the duration, leaving 10% as a pause
//    tone(buzzer1, melody3[thisNote3], noteDuration3 * 0.9);
//    // Wait for the specief duration before playing the next note.
//    delay(noteDuration3);
//    // stop the waveform generation before the next note.
//    noTone(buzzer1);
//  }
//      }
//  else if(firstClick==false&&secondClick==false){
//     lastDebounceTime = millis();
//    }
////  ////the first song
//// ////the second song
// if (count%2==0&&count!=lastcount){
// }
//        tone(buzzer1,HIGH);
//        delay(50);
//        noTone(buzzer1);
//        delay(50);
//        tone(buzzer1,HIGH);
//        delay(50);
//        noTone(buzzer1);
//        delay(50);
//         tone(buzzer1,HIGH);
//        delay(50);
//        noTone(buzzer1);
//        delay(50);
//         tone(buzzer1,HIGH);
//        delay(50);
//        noTone(buzzer1);
//        delay(50);
//   }

//  lastButtonState=buttonRead;
//  delay(200);
//  lastcount=count;