My Inventions From Tree Fictions


1.Paragraph describing my idea for the story The Winter Market

My Inventions: Jung’s Ship:

This is a product created on the basis of Dry Dreams, and consumers input their needs through a computer, Jung’s ship is actually a program that can design dreams to create a virtual world with specific physical laws and package them into hard-wired forms(data). Just like the plot in fiction, Consumers will translate themselves into the form of hard-wired (data)and input into the fast-wipe(computer). Put on the trodes , reach for the stud on the fast-wipe, and use neuroelectronics(wires) will deliver the mind of the consumer into the virtual world. All the real touches in this virtual world are exactly the same as the realistic word, the consumer is the creator of this world (God). He can change the shape of objects

as he wishes, but still, obey the specific physical laws set at the time of creation (even though these physical laws were set up by the consumer himself as input in Jung’s ship). Even though this technology hasn’t been achieved, the technology to accurately record people’s dreams may be available in the near future, according to researchers in California. The technology can also record the activity of the human brain.(BBC,2018)

Problems: The issues of Jung’s ship may cause some unnecessary problems. For example, hurting others in the virtual world. Although it does not actually happen in the real world, the feedback mechanism without punishment for users’ behaviors will have an impact on users’ tendency of violence to a certain extent.

2. Paragraph describing my idea for the story Newton’s sleep

My invention: brain editor:

In this novel, scientists as rulers rule the newly built society in orbit space. I want to create a brain editor by implanting chips in the brains of each resident and connecting the brain editor to the human brain to implant the decisions of the ruler into the brains of the residents, such as laws, future plans, etc. This makes people can better understand and execute the ruler’s plan, ensure that all the individual residents will obey the general will, protect the execution of all the decisions, and implementation of effective safeguards for the interests of the collective. But to some extent, it sacrifices many people’s sense of freedom and independence for the public profits of society.

Problems: People can only act according to the decisions of scientists, which will make it even harder for religion to exist.


3. Paragraph describing my idea for the story The Fish of Lijiang

My inventions: Timebank

In the article, the description of capitalists through the use of the time of the working class to create wealth and use the technology to extend his life made me think of I once saw a movie “In time”. My design is to create a machine “the time bank” which can be used to store the time of pain or happy time in the “time bank”. Both the painful and joyful experiences of the working class under oppression can be classified and stored in the “time bank”. It will help relieve the burden on the human brain and reduce the damage of painful memories. At the same time in the future can also call up the happy time, immersive review the feeling at that happy time.

Problem: The unbalance wealthy between the working-class and capitalists maybe cause it’s hard for the working-class to get access to this technology and make the society more unfair and stimulate the class conflictions


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