Diptych Blog Post

The name of the diptych would be “random corner of a bar”. I wanted to present the concept of a relaxing Saturday breeze passing through people sitting in a bar. 

I first recalled memories of personal experiences and movie scenes related to this scenario. And found that the dim warm lights are essential, as well as bottles with beautiful shapes that reflect the lights through the glassy transparent textures. 

I wanted to make the scene chaotic, for bars are not typical disciplinary places. Then different glasses were put behind the main glass. I set the light in a certain place to get the reflection on the glass.

To present the same core idea in the part II image, I chose to imitate the basic structure of the part I photography, but the elements were more unrealistic. The boldest move was to portray the glass and flowers in a cartoon way, which added contrast to part I. But I failed to convey the lighting in part II, so now it looks flat and plain.

I will enhance the photography first to make sure the core object stands out from other backgrounds, and make the whole concept of a chilling vibe in a bar more apparent. And edit the image based on this.

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