A mask is a reflection of one’s identity. I interpreted this assignment to be a representation of the true face of my identity which is bind by constraints and restrictions. There is a lack of openness to which I express myself to my surroundings as shown in the “trapped” design of this work. In addition, I also utilized wood and strings to block the vision I have to represent the introvert identity I have. In this sense, it represents a lack of seeing eye to eye that I have encountered in the past due to my nature. In this sense, I created and represented the design to be one that traps and is trapped by personal constraints.
The sharp and clean edge of the wooden structure encloses me. It is a kind of cage or box that imprison my interaction with strangers. Some of those wooden sticks which pointing at my face reflects of my frustration. Those threads tightened around the helmet is suggesting those annoying assumptions before I start talking. The vibrant red which pops up among the yellowish wood enlarge the emotional approach of my project.
Paris is Burning Reflection
I think that the relation between fashion and identity is that fashion is an expression of societal identity and personal confidence. It is something that can allow someone to incorporate their spiritual identity into physical perceived identity thus providing social identity and personal confidence of personal identity. In this sense, fashion and identity intersect in terms of providing a conscience and physicality of being and personality. As for gender and fashion, it is also intertwined with the social identity that gender revolves around. As gender is a social construct, fashion’s interconnection with social society and social identity are intertwined. It is fashion and the expression of fashion as social identity and reflection of gender as social construct that one engages with the world. Furthermore, other social constructs such as race and class are very much the same with fashion and identity where fashion is a representation of a social construct, and thus a social identity. This organic and malleability of social identity thus allows for clear representation of social construct.