For Performance 8, I worked with Oliver, Bruce, and Eden where we tried to create a composition that had bass, minor bass, melody, and submelody. I initially created noise that was rather high in pitch which didn’t resonate with the other compositions that they had created. This lack of harmony between my melody and them led me to have to modify my part of the composition where I included more chordlike tones through utilizing midi rather than the more random noise that I originally created. This would create a good bass for the piece which allowed for the melodies to be highlighted.
Regarding our performance itself, there were errors that were made on my part that caused confusion within the group. The key error was my entry point within the composition as I had entered too early by accidentally pressing on the toggle. This caused Bruce and Oliver to slow their entrance into the composition as I had ruined the rhythm for entry. Other than the mistake mentioned, there is also the composition as a whole where I personally believed that it was rather pleasing to listen to. There was a comment that it seemed to busy in which I would agree as there are a lot of layers to the tunes that Eden, Bruce, and Oliver created which didn’t allow the listener to breathe. If this were to be refined, I feel like the comments about utilizing midi only as a keyboard would be my personal change that I would make. I wouldn’t want to make the MIDI a keyboard, but rather, create drum like sounds that strum the notes as it would create a consistent rhythm to the piece as a background noise that wouldn’t hinder the complexity of the piece. Moreover, as for the other parts of the composition, I think that changing Bruce’s part to be less complex and serve more as a harmony may make the composition better in the sense that it would provide the space to the listener to enjoy the composition.
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