For Performance 7, the focus was on completing an interaction between Arduino and Max8. I used the Force Resistive Sensor where I controlled the sound with the force of my fingers. This could be manipulated to create a consistent deep background tone or a melodic high pitch varying tone. Moreover, when I was working with my group, I also experimented with utilizing filtercoeff~ to create wind sounds through modifying the frequency of the white noise. While I had no idea how this works, I found that it was actually somewhat of an accurate depiction of the sound of wind. Regarding the sound quality of the group, we did have variation, but the depth and rhythm of our composition was limited in the sense that there wasn’t consistent beat of switching of beats. This caused the overall harmony of the piece to be weaker than for example the group of Eden, Bruce, Jiani, and Alex. Moreover, our group partially had a lack of control for controlling tones where Ryan’s was more automatic and didn’t change. This could be improved by adding more characteristics of randomization to the piece.
For the performance, this was my patch.
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