In Our Own Image reading assignment

Foreword and Last Chapter of In Our Own Image by Fred Ritchin. 

Reading response

Photography might be capable of capturing reality, but it could also be a lie. Everything captured within the camera’s lens is not always true because it only shows some part of that moment’s captured image. And this is the extent to which photography could mostly be capable of. Based on the reading, photography could only capture a moment of that time, but if we look at those moments closely in detail, we will see something more than just a moment that photography captured. Therefore, digital photographs couldn’t always tell or show the truth. And although digital photography could capture a moment better than an analog photograph, it still isn’t any better than what we could see, sense, or feel in an actual world. In the case of the photograph, when it is just a photograph, audio in which what happened during the captured moment will unlikely be included. In my opinion, audio also plays some part in changing the meaning and the mood of the moments. And if the audio is not included with the captured picture, the conveying of the moment captured could not be fully interpreted by the audience that is looking at the photograph. Now, this is when a video could come into play and improve a better quality of moment capturing. Although video can also be manipulated, it is still better than a still photo from a camera. At least, it is not only capturing a moment, but it could also capture the actual motions of that moment with audio in it. However, both photography and video recording could also be manipulated; therefore, not putting trust in new digital technology could be a way to save oneself from getting tricked by the so-called hired photograph designer.


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