Project B. 01 Project Proposal

– Finding Food For Eyes – 

Description – It will be a game on a website related to Project A’s previous project, “Eyes on the food.” This time we will be helping those poor Eyes(creatures) to find many foods for their hunger. By choosing choices that players would have to make, and if you interact and click on the options I provided on the main website, it will take you to another place, another story, and especially another scene, which you will keep choosing on your choices until you find those foods for them! Or, in the worst-case scenario, you might end up killing them by making the wrong choices and leading them to even more hunger for those Eyes. (Decision – making game) (Interactive story game)

As you can see in the prototype, there will be two or even more options for a player to choose, which will take them to another scenario or the next episode of the story after they chose those options. I expect myself to be providing an excellent plot story line and, more importantly, the design of the game and the visual of each scene. Hopefully, each player could get into the last stage of the game and find the food for my creatures, The Eyes!

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