Mini Project 3. Generative Motion

First Generative Motion Project

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Greetings, today I came back with my most interesting and most complex project so far. I had come back with the motion project where the objects are moving in a direction. It is a file work that we see in my project. I was inspired by the file explorer on my laptop when I saved my work on a desktop. So what we are seeing is a bunch of file work being piled up altogether but in motion! 

Since the instruction asked to show at least two different motions, I did use a code for reappearing motion as the first one, which every time the files reach the edge of the frame, they will reappear again in a different manner. The second motion that I put in the work was the bouncing motion, which means at some point, the file works would be bouncing around at a random chance if it hit the edge of the frame.

To make the motion on this project, I did get a code and an example from Professor Stavros. I learned the value of speed and randomness on this project, which was pretty hard to understand. I had had a lot of struggles on this assignment. I did run into many errors and did face many weird results that it was not intended to. I tried to create a rainfall file works on this project at first, but I was struggling to do it. So I had to change my plan and make it bounce around instead. I used a color code from color-hex, and I got most of the examples and references from the class slide. I could do a better job in the future at a motion project like this; until then, stay tuned for my next project. 

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