Step 1: Choose your motif
For this week’s recitation, I chose this image of a sunset at the beach, because it was the first picture that had my attention while I was going through my gallery. The image consisted of 3 areas, sky, ocean, and sand. The approach that was suggested to me by Rudy, was to separate each of the areas into rectangles, as it was easier to color, and the original image was a landscape that was separated into sections.
Step 2: Draw your image on paper
Step 3: Draw your image with code
The final creation consists of the top part, which represents the sky on the blue part, and the orange part represents the sunset. The next spot shaded dark blue represents the ocean, and the boulder on the right represents a rock. The brown section represents sand at the beach. I think that the location of objects in both original pic, and processing render are quite similar. However, I do not think that processing was a good means of realizing the original picture with what we have learned. It lacks the organic shapes that are found on the original picture. If one were to implement the organic shapes it would be quite hard, and take a long time to complete.
void setup() { size(600, 600); } void draw() { background(255); //water fill(#2235AA); rect(0, 219, 600, 600); //sky blue fill(#269DEA); rect(0, 0, 600, 108); //sky orange fill(#F59F00); rect(0, 110, 600, 109); //rock fill(0); rect(520, 200, 100, 100, 10); //sand fill(#462D09); rect(0, 260, 600, 600); println(mouseX, mouseY); }