Recitation 1: Electronics & Soldering

(The task was completed without a partner)

Task 1: Build the circuits


1.The circuit is created to make the buzzer function as the user wishes.

2.Connect the breadboard to the power, get these wires connected and add a switch and it’s done.

3.The system worked well at first try and the buzzer made horribly loud sound.


1.The circuit is built to make the buzzer make sounds and an LED is added as a reminder.
2.I added a circuit with an LED and a resistor to protect it from getting burnt.
3.The system worked well after some mistakes, where I connected the LED and some wires in a wrong position and they didn’t work. But I came to realize the problem and corrected them.  Everything worked.


1.The circuit is built to make the buzzer make sounds and control the volume with the rheostat.
2.I just added another circuit with LED and a rheostat into the one above, where the LED can reflect the intensity of the current.
3.There were too many wires and devices so it took me some time to place them all on the board. But I finally made it, though one of the LEDs died so it didn’t give out light, but when I replaced it with the other one, it worked.

Task 2: Build a switch


                                  The switch boards

 We used dangerous tools to melt up metals to stick the wires to the copper paper to create stronger conductivity.                             The tool was really hard to control because your hands kept trembling and missed the position several times, but I finally made it with   professors’ direct.

Task 3: Switch the switches and send a message

I connected the handmade switch to the circuit and sent out a signal “good(–· — — -··)”


Additional Required Questions: 

Q1: What is the function of the resistor R1? 

An LED has a limited capacity of circuit. If the circuit is too high, the LED will get destroyed and stop functioning.  A resistor can reduce the current in a single circuit and protect the LEDs


the diagram


Personally, I think the circuit possesses medium level of interactivity, because idealistically it can convey all kinds of messages purely consisting of words clearly, but it takes time to translate the message and think about them. Also, it’s not like a face-to-face talk so you don’t get that involved. And it cannot convey complex information such as an image or the construction of a DNA.


Such kinds of techniques can make a work of art more “intelligent” and can be used to interact with the visitors so that they can better get involved in the art. They may get in touch with the works through video, audio and physical devices which they have access to. The artists can create more complex art forms with the help of computing, because computers are expert at all kinds of calculating and analogy, which can help artists design their works.










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