Prototyping Blog Documentation Week 6

The past few days have been innovating and inspiring for me as I was able to help in constructing the now completed Project Mjolnir bike. 

It was during this time I would be able to finally inspect the bike in person and think about and expand on potential storage solutions for it. 

My current idea about having a tube storage within the metal pipes of the bike would still work after seeing the bike in person, albeit might need a different way be able to access instead of a screw on type system. Something like a cap system similar to those of sport ball containers like tennis balls would was an alternative I thought of to allow for access to the tubes.  

I have also been inspired by this video (5 MTB Tools that Live in your Bike | Doovi) in regard to storage for the bike, as I could see some parts of the Project Mjolnir bike having empty spaces that could potentially be filled without hindering the function of the bike. Potential storage spaces mainly include the bottom of the bike where there are spaces in-between the metal pipes, where things such as spare inner tire tube or air pumps could be attached on the bottom using straps. 

Unrelated to the storage of the bike, I was also informed about the situation in which a bike’s tire may be popped and needs to be replaced with little assistance from a second pair of hands. I was thinking there could be a device install into the bike itself that would raise the bike to allow for the tire to be replaced. It would be something akin to a car lift but small and built into the frame of the bike. 

To end off this blog post, I would like to say I am very excited to be part of the legacy of this historic invention. I look forward to continuing to work on it to help improve it and leaving my mark on this legendary bike!

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