Title: Give it Up Once More for Paxi…
Elevator Pitch: We’ve all seen Paxi in pictures, in code, and heard verbal accounts. Now it’s time for one last hoorah as you navigate through an interactive story with the funkiest dog to ever live!
Concept: For Project B I have chosen to stick with my theme of coding and creating programs that involve different aspects of my dog, Paxi. My hope is to create an interactive story which engages the audience with numerous pages, buttons to click, quizzes, and selfies; while at the same time giving the user a little more insight into the very interesting and unique creature that is my dog. The hope is to start the interactive story with a quiz of sorts, asking the user to input their name and what their basic opinions on Paxi are, as well as whether or not they would like to continue onto the next page of the story. After this there will be a series of maybe 3 different pages, each with a new activity involving the user helping Paxi to complete some sort of task. After all the stages have been completed, the user has “won” or reached the end of the story and as a result is awarded the very prestigious and rare opportunity to take a selfie with paxi himself which will automatically be saved onto their computer downloads. I am interested in using my dog as the subject of my code because of how funny I find him and his mannerisms. I hope that through my website I am able to invoke some of the same love I have towards Paxi from the users through comedic relief.
Related Art & Practice:
- The first source I am inspired by for my website is actually a game that I played as a kid called Poptropica (https://www.poptropica.com/) . The general idea of the game is taking a short quiz like questionnaire at the beginning of the game, during which the user is able to pick a character and name it to their liking. The game goes on to be a number of levels which each must be completed by the user guiding their chosen character to complete preset tasks. Alongside each task and new level there are also descriptions of the scene, the characters, and the overall story which keep the user engaged. I think that part of the reason I played the game so much when I was younger was because of the sequence of events and how it was so easy to follow and play, so following a similar game/storyline is something that I think will definitely be beneficial for my website.
- The second source I am taking as inspiration for my website design is Keith Haring’s (https://www.haring.com/) art. The first time I learned about his artwork was around age 8 and I was immediately in love with how it looked. The minimalist style combined with the fluid motion of his characters and the bright colors evoke such a unique and almost satisfying sensation. I enjoy how clean and neat his artwork is while still bringing in abstract principles and pops of bright color. I hope to take inspiration from his various works and incorporate them into the stylistic aspect of my website.
Production and Methodology: For this project I will of course be using html, javascript, and css to bring all the aspects to life on one cohesive website. For the various stages that the user must navigate Paxi through, I have specifically come up with ideas that involve already existing p5.js sketches I have created throughout the semester and only would have to tweak a few portions of the code to include Paxi as a portion of the code. The only aspect that is not something we explicitly learned how to create was a quiz using html and css but I intend on watching youtube videos or asking for guidance as I think that having a short quiz/questionaire will really start the interactive story strongly and encourage the kind of user engagement that I would like to be maintained throughout the whole project.