—Music Piece— In the researching processes, I got myself three music pieces. Actium-I need you This is a really immersive and calming piece, making me feel like everything around me stays still during the period of the piece. I can also feel the flow and passage of time from it.
Story of your life
Q1: How do aliens in the story language and communication style different from human language (oral, pictographic, phonetic ,)etc? In the story, the author divided Heptapod’s language and communication into two parts: Heptapod A and Heptapod B. Heptapod A refers to the spoken language of Heptapod, which can be seen
Black Square Assignment
I. Sight, Sword, Self Through this work, I want to express the connection between external perception and self-perception. The diagonal composition is a combination of a puppet and a sword, to express that too much dependence and attention to external perceptions may lead to self-lost and manipulated like a puppet.The
Draw your life · Jelena Xu · Eric Parren —CONCEPTION AND DESIGN— -Concept- By picking the “Magic Wand” and waving it in the space, image will be triggered, and the user can either choose different pen images by exploring to the corners or wait for the internal
Recitation 010
I attended the Video+Image Manipulation workshop. I used the made a bouncing ball that will move with the movement tracked in the camera. The basic idea is actually tracking the movement in the camera by recognizing pixel color changing and turn these “movement happening” pixels into black. To restore to a
Final Project: ESSAY
YOUR CLOCK, YOUR LIFE PROJECT STATEMENT OF PURPOSE Nowadays, people tend to be trapped in their never-ending schedule and rushing against time. So, it’s significant and necessary for us to slow down for a while and think about how time flow and how our timeline aligns and goes
Recitation 009
In this recitation, I made a little device that can control the music to play or pause by pressing the button and the volume of the music can be seen from the angle of the servo. When first making the communication from Processing to Arduino to control the servo, I
Recitation 008
Exercise 1: Make a Processing Etch-A-Sketch Video: Code(Arduino): // IMA NYU Shanghai // Interaction Lab // For sending multiple values from Arduino to Processing void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { // to send values to Processing assign the values you want to send //this is an example int
Recitation 007
PART I: Code: void setup(){ size(800,800); } void draw(){ background(0); for (int x=0;x<width;x+=55){ for(int y=0;y<height;y+=55){ color e=color(random(0,255)); color m=color(random(0,255),random(0,255),random(0,255)); face(x,y,e,m); } } } void face(float x, float y, color eyes, color mouth){ fill(#F5EF31); circle(x,y,50); //stroke(#F5EF31); //line(x,y-60,x,y+60); //line(x-50,y-50,x+50,y+50); fill(eyes); circle(x-10,y-10,10); circle(x+10,y-10,10); fill(mouth); arc(x, y+10, 16, 16, 0, PI); //ellipse(x,y+10,30,10); }