Artifacts from Fiction Stories

The Winter Market – William Gibson

An Interactive Skeleton

In the story, the heroine relies on her exoskeleton to move, so I’d like to build a similar skeleton that can respond to the participant’s action. The skeleton I’m going to build is called “Skeletom”, “M” is for “moving”. The skeleton can copy the movement of the participant, and respond to their moving speed through different lighting levels. The faster you move, the lighter the moving part of the skeleton will be. It can also predict the participant’s movement to add more interaction and fun.

Newton’s sleep – Ursula K. Le Guin

A Planet Simulator

In the story, people go to other planets because the earth is no longer habitable, but they often fall into the unknown and confusion due to the lack of experience and feelings of other planets. I’d like to design a sphere which could change the environment, weather and light inside according to the different mood, occupation, age, personality and other factors of the people standing inside it. As a result, each person sees a unique scene and there will be no consensus about the sphere.

The Fish of Lijiang – Chen Qiufan

A Linking Wand

In the story, the hero and heroine complement each other due to the distortion of time and space in different directions, thus healing each other from the physical side effects caused by time compression and expansion. So   I come up with the idea of making a wand. When two participants hold each end of the wand, the screen attached to the wand will list the same experiences, hobbies, and thoughts both two have had, as well as their unique life paths. It must be a quick and thorough way for people to know each other better.

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