Project Title: Different Time Zone
Team Members: Mary and Jeeho
III. Concept | Storyline:
The concept for our project is to motivate people who are exhausted and distressed under the pressure from works and study. When I talked with my friends, I can always feel that they are under pressure from academic performance and their futures. Especially, during the long-term quarantine, everyone is suffering more than before. So we decided to make a motivational video to relieve their pressure.
Who are you going to interview? Or What is the piece (article, poem, story) for the narrative voice over?
We are going to interview students in our dorms to see they also have the same kind of stress and if it helps them if they see a motivational video later. And also we will find some articles that represents that difference is not the standard of right and wrong.
What’s the story about?
Everyone lives their own time zone. Some blame themselves for running behind than others, but that doesn’t mean they can’t succeed. But we all have differences. If we keep trying hard, we can achieve goals even if it’s late then others. So don’t compare yourself to others’ standards.
Which part of the story are you going to focus on?
Our project motivates people to respect each others’ differences and not to give up. Therefore, we are focusing on showing scenes that represents differences in our worlds.
What kind of style/aesthetics are you going to pursue?
We will mainly use juxtaposition to show two different photos in one scene to represent the differences.
Execution Plan
What equipment are you going to use when shooting the movie?
Since we are not able to go outside, the equipment we can use is limited to cell phone.
Which locations will it be shot at? When is it? Day time/night/unknown? Why?
Filming will take place only inside our dorm. There is no fixed date because we have to set a time with each interviewers.
What are some challenges you might encounter and how will you prepare?
The limited sources are the biggest challenges we will face. But we will try to find the sources as much as possible in our dorm .
How will you collaborate? How will you divide work? (Gantt Chart)
We filled out our respective tasks in the Gantt chart below. Each person has chosen tasks that they can do well, but we will proceed the most of the tasks together.
V. Storyboard Draft