Reading 2. Long Live The Web

In Long Live The Web, the author mentioned the beneficial and “ill effects”. From my own experience on the web, one of the beneficial effects is that a lot of data are shared so I can find the information that I need in most cases; the most reflected “ill effects” is that people would argue online fiercely online about some tricky social issues and it would eventually be taken over by trolls, which would make the divergence larger. 

Universality means that the web allows the users to have access to it no matter what kind of hardware, software, network connection, disability, or language they use. Isolation means that this kind of distribution is limited to certain hardware, software, network connection, ability or language. Universality is mostly related to the egalitarian ideal while isolation is about specific priorities and superiority. 

Open Standards refers to free, without certain restrictions and no need to pay, access for the experts to explore and design. Closed Worlds refers to a virtual community that is limited within that area with a certain entrance cost. Open Standards empower various experts to get into the construction of the web while Closed Worlds prevent the constructions from being altered by any John Doe. 

The Web is an application that runs on the Internet. The Internet is an electronic network that links a lot of information and distributes them into diverse media. The Web is a layer of the Internet. In other words, the Web is just a small combination of certain information while the Internet is a vast field of connections. From my experience, I use the webs individually when necessary while I also use them interactively with the Internet.

The author envisions the future of the web with four trends: open data, social machines, web science and free bandwidth. A decade after the article was published, we can witness a lot of realizations. Open data is widely used as getting information is much easier, especially with ChatGPT. In addition, it is also becoming a social machine for people to connect with each other and promote social justice with social media, ranking apps, and hashtags such as #metoo. Furthermore, Web science is around the corner when people start to realize the web can do more than just mimic the real world, especially during the hype of the metaverse. 

Unfortunately, the free bandwidth is more difficult than before. As artificial intelligence costs more resources and finance, the divergence between developed and developing countries is becoming wider. Other problems such as violation of privacy also arose during the COVID era when people moved a lot of life online. They are mentioned in the author’s articulation as side effects that should be taken into account.

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