Project A Proposal

Working Title:  Migration/Leaves



link1 leave:

link2 migration:

link3 measles:

These are the 3 sketches I explored in mini project 3 to prepare for Project A.


The first one is “the leave”, which resembles the leaves falling in nature. The location could be changed by pressing the mouse as if a strong wind blows. I will expand on this later. 


The second one is called “migration”. Alternately, the lollipop vortex moves between the left and right back and forth.

if (x<=0||x>=width){
cx = width - cx
s = 0


The third one is called “measles”. Similar to the “migration”, it moves in a seemingly circular motion but it is actually my first attempt to an angular motion.

angleVel = random(5)
angle = angle + angleVel;

// calculate the position
x = width/2 + cos(angle) * radDist;
y = height/2 + sin(angle) * radDist;

// display the circle
circle(x, y, dia)
radDist = radDist + 1


The main visual element would be based on sketch one LEAVE. It was originally “a slice of melon” but it would be too weird to make it “fall”. By changing it into a leave, the shape could assist me in experimenting with angle and arc. I would like to change the sin and random into noise in future development to make the movement more authentic. 

x = x + 5*sin(ld);
y = y + random(5);

These motions that I experimented with will be combined into my project A, Migration/ Leaves (working title). The idea is that the leaves must emigrate at different times otherwise they would get sick, having measles. Leaves could also be interpreted as a pun resonating with migration.

Ideally, the leave would fall in a random trace. If it successfully traverses width/2, it would be the same in appearance. Otherwise, there will be red spots indicating it is “sick” and it will decay, disappearing on the screen. In addition, the interaction would allow the viewer to “blow” the wind to change the location rapidly. If there is adequate space, I also would like to include pollination assisted by bees in the design to nurture the narrative of “migration” not just to survive but also to thrive. 

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