Interactive Drawing (JP Paint)

Project (JP Paint) : 

Full Screen:



This project is titled JP Paint because I took inspiration from MS Paint. The purpose of this project is to be an interactive drawing program with a fun interface.

The most difficult part of this code was creating the button that clears the page. I was unable to figure out how to clear only the part of the canvas that I wanted users to draw on, so I eventually decided to just use the button to create a new rectangle over the old one. 

button.mousePressed (clear)
function clear(){
fill (245);
noStroke ();

Another part of my code that proved difficult was the slider, but I referenced multiple videos from the Youtube channel The Coding Train along with the p5.js reference and was able to get the slider to work. 

slider = createSlider (2,20,4);

For this project, I also used a lot of experimental coding to adjust the key press functions and brush. 

Within my code I used variables to store the information for my button and slider so that they can later be manipulated. 

Utilizing conditionals, I made my program interactive by being able to use the keys on the keyboard to change colors. I wanted each color to have a button that would be able to be pressed on the canvas, but as I was unable to get them to work, I used keys instead. 

I used key for all of my keyboard interactions because keyCode is reserved for coding special keys such as backspace. 


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