Proposal Sketch:
My idea is to create an avatar creator that utilizes a simple, but cute style and gives the user a chance to make their own avatar. I want to be able to make the UI have general categories (hair, eyes, skin color, etc), but once on you click on any of those sections, you are presented with more specific design options. I would also like to utilize the slider tool in p5js to make the colors more adjustable. For the design, I am taking inspiration from the style used in the Animal Crossing video game franchise. This style utilizes a lot of simple shapes, but has a very cute outcome. This makes it so that For the UI, I am taking inspiration from the website Canva’s avatar maker. However, I think I can improve upon this UI since this one is slightly confusing. I want to make my project simple and easy to use, but I also want the look to come out polished. This is why I will be coding all of the designs, so that it is all proportionate and sleek. Ultimately, I want to turn a simple project design into a reliable tool to make sleek and cute avatars.